Is Shopify Dead?


In this video we’re going to talk about is Shopify dead and this is a question I get all the time is it too late to join Shopify and if you’re having this idea in your head if you’re thinking this is the perfect video for you it’ll clear everything up. So first off is it too late to start a Shopify store no not at all unless you’re trying to start another crappy drop shipping website another crappy white-label boring site another site that sells a bunch of random junk that nobody wants it’s too late for that back in 2012 2011 maybe even 2013 maybe even fourteen you can get away with that it’s no it’s no longer like that sure can you make drop shipping profitable still yes you can you make white label stuff profitable on Shopify possibly but only if it’s special only if it’s unique and you guys if you watch my channel and you listen to what I have to say you’ll hear me repeat the same things over and over again but it’s because.

Many people don’t listen and I’m hoping you won’t make that mistake. So it Shopify dead no it’s not as long as you follow four rules niche down build a brand build a tribe and you have to have something special I almost forgot there for a second yeah those are the really special that’s what makes Shopify. So powerful if you have something special you can get people to buy from you still if it’s the same jump they can buy anywhere else if they can buy that same thing on Amazon they’re not going to buy from you. So keep that in mind got a niche down I talk about this on my other videos if your market (more…)


In this video I’m going to share the number one Facebook ad secret in 2018 and there’s a lot I got a lot of different tips for you in this video and some different ideas for you to try out. So number one maybe Instagram ads if you haven’t done that yet I think 2018 is the time for Instagram ads if you haven’t done a look-alike audience yet it’s time to try that out and if you haven’t done messenger ads well messenger ads are here it’s time to test them out and here’s the secret the number one seeker actually probably for every year but we’ll say it again for 2018 it’s test out all these things you don’t know what’s gonna work for you until you try it out just because it works for someone or it doesn’t work for someone doesn’t mean it will or won’t work for you the only way to know is by trying it.

I can give you a ton of secrets here for Facebook ads but my number one secret I think for 2018 is things haven’t changed it’s still the same process you have to test it out see what will work I’d say on top of that targeting doing the right doing the right audience finding the correct audience to target very very important that’s always going to be the number one tip for Facebook ads next up is ad copy look if you haven’t recently looked at the ad copy go on Facebook scroll around and see what ad copy catches your attention you can also type in best Facebook ads of 2017 and try to trigger some things in your brain of how you can make better ad copy. So what is my number one secret for 2018 Facebook (more…)

How and Why to Hire A Virtual Assistant | Effective Ecommerce Podcast #30

Hey everybody in this episode of the Effective Ecommerce podcast we’re gonna be talking about how and why to hire a Virtual Assistant how to outsource how to get someone that’s gonna help you and you’re gonna be amazed at how cheap this can be this is one of the best things I think you can do I think anyone can do for pretty much anything in life that they’re doing but especially with an online business there’s really no reason that I can think of not to hire a Virtual Assistant I’ve told people about my Virtual Assistant and they’ve gone on to hire one and they’ve been amazed at how helpful it really it is and how inexpensive it is I will say right off the bat that you can to 3x your productivity just by hiring one Virtual Assistant and I’ll explain why I say that and how that is but it’s it is one of the best things I’ve ever done personally in my life for increasing my productivity it’s just amazing but we’ll get to that in a just a second but before we get started this podcast I just wanted to announce the winner of the contest that I have.

If you don’t know if you go to iTunes leave a five star review for my podcast I enter you in a chance to win a free one-on-one consulting session with me and every month I have a new winner that will win this free one-on-one consulting session. So I wanted to pick somebody new and we’re this this month is gonna be Carolyn KS. So if that’s your name if that’s your podcast or your iTunes name go ahead and send me an email Travis at effective e-commerce comm and she left a nice (more…)

Basic Shopify Vs. Shopify Vs. Advanced Shopify Which Shopify Plan is Right For You?


Shopify is a great platform but if you’re watching this video you probably already know that in this video what we’re gonna do is 100% figure out which plan is right for you and I have an airtight formula we’re gonna go over all the different features we’re gonna take a breakdown of the pricing the features everything and we’re gonna figure out which of the different plans is right for you and like I said I have an airtight formula to figure out which plan will make the most sense. So by the end of this video you will know 100% which plan you should pick in this video we’re gonna compare the different Shopify plans and figure out the plan that is right for you by the end of this video not only will we go over all the different features the different plan has I’ll give you a formula that will 100% guarantee get you in the right plan also at the end of this video give you a special offer where you can sign up and get the obviously the 14-day free trial but on top of that a free one-on-one consultation with me to help you set up your store. So let’s get started.

There’s basic Shopify Shopify in advance Shopify and one of the questions I get all the time is which plan should I pick and the difference obviously here is the price but there’s some other things too like different credit card rates you can see different in-person rates as well though most people probably aren’t going to take advantage of that. So the next thing is you look at the number of staff accounts which probably doesn’t matter too much to most people. So this isn’t a feature will really look at too (more…)

#29 Whales, VIP and Taking Care of Your Best Customers


Everyone in this episode of the Effective Ecommerce podcast we’re gonna be talking about whales VIP customers very important person customers and taking care of your best customers in general and there’s a very specific reason why we’re talking about this and this is because these are the customers that are giving you the most money you want to keep them happy you want to keep them coming back to you as long as possible and honestly spending as much money with you as possible. So hopefully by this point in the podcast I’m hoping you have some sales and even if you don’t have any sales these are some good ideas to have some good systems to put in place early in your business and we’ll talk about specifically what the systems are to get more of your big customers more of those whales coming back to you and in general how to get people to spend more money we’re gonna talk about all these different systems.

So if you don’t already have a lot of sales that’s fine listen to this episode you know get ideas for when you do become a bigger company if you’re a bigger company you have a decent amount of sales this is a perfect episode for you. So in general with business there are three main ways to make more money get more customers to get more money per sale and then increase the lifetime value or get more sales out of that customer. So it’s how many customers you have how big is the sale that they make and how many sale or purchases do they make with you that’s really it and now we can dive in a little bit deeper there’s more to it than just that how do you get (more…)

PNB Updates 2018 PNB Vlog 11

A lot has happened with performance and nut butter since the last time I talked about it I haven’t done a vlog update in a while. So let me give you an overview of everything that’s happened the last vlog video I did is an update I was just sending a palette of Performance Nut Butter into Amazon and I haven’t done one since then and it went really well. So sales have been great. So this video I’m gonna have a bunch of different lessons a bunch of different mistakes I made a $10000, mistake I’ll talk about that mistake and how you can avoid similar mistakes some of the lessons learned from that and we will go over just everything that has happened. So a huge lesson for first-time sellers I thought I was gonna be selling a certain amount of units but I ended up selling x as many units per day than I had originally projected for which is great that’s a that’s a huge success that means that things are going really well but on the flip side I ran out of inventory in Amazon I sent them one pallet full of units and they ran out of that much quicker than I had anticipated about and half the time or even less.


What did I do now once I saw that sales were x what I had projected for I sent them another pallet they received the pallet about a week before I ran out of inventory but it was just sitting in their warehouse I had shipping confirmation that that they had received it but they had no then they didn’t have it in their warehouse like they didn’t have it checked in they didn’t have anything as far as I could tell. So what (more…)

Why 99% of You Will Fail With Shopify!


You’re hard-working you’ve got hustle but your thinking is all wrong you’re thinking about e-commerce Shopify drop shipping all that kind of stuff you’re thinking about it wrong 99% of you will fail with Shopify that’s just statistics that’s just math and if you don’t watch all this video if you don’t watch videos like this and learn from other people’s mistakes you’re much more likely to fail than others. So first off right off the bat I’m gonna tell you why I see.


Many people failing and how to fix it but let’s start with the number one thing % of you will fail with Shopify because you’ll never get started. So many people have great business ideas and they never get started it’s the beginning of the year I’m filming this really early in the year and a lot of people have the idea of starting a new business  but you know what most of them will never do it change that right now there’s those links up here and down below for Shopify you can get a free -day trial there’s other hosts out there too you don’t need to use Shopify it is the best one but there’s links up there and down below and I’ll talk about later in the video I got a special trick that’ll help out anyone that hasn’t signed up for Shopify yet but let’s go back to the video and the important stuff here and how to fix your thinking. So that’s only one part of it like I said 99% of people will fail because they never get started they never take that first step what about the other people the other nine percent of people that still fail well they’re thinking about e-commerce wrong and what I mean by this (more…)