Launching a Kickstarter / Online Store in 30 Days – Day 1

This video and article is about day 1 of my 30-day challenge to start a successful ecommerce business.

To be a successful businessman, one needs to be efficient so I decided to do it in 30 days to make sure I set up everything in a timely and efficient manner, as well as tracking the progress of what I do. Moreover, not just for my own benefit but I wanted to share my knowledge to other people looking to start their own business. I haven’t even made any product as of yet but what I have is an idea that I’m starting to test. I have decided to go for the health nutrition space, kind of a food item. My targets are the biohackers, the Paleo diet people, the ketogenic, the crossfit, and the people who are really interested in nutrition.

So starting this ecommerce, the first thing I did was research, it is the most important. I did some research on my competitors about what they do, and I found some that are doing something similar but I think I can do something better than them, most especially if we’re talking about marketing. I also did research on similar websites, what other things are out there. Also, I was creating customer avatars where all information from an ideal customer where all his profile and information were there. I went to facebook and check audience insights, checking on what else do people like, what other interests they probably have, and I learned a lot about my demographics by doing this. I’ve also came to realize that more women are likely to hit the “like” button than men, so I decided to make my product and my target a little bit neutral.

Also, I decided to do a lot of podcast, contacting a lot of bloggers, sending some free product out there. As I was thinking about it, I am trying to look for co-packers because I don’t want to stress myself out a lot packing those stuff. So I was trying to think on how I am going to find people that can manufacture it. However I decided to do the first batch myself and sending it out to CrossFit gyms and to people that would be interested in buying my product.
So I will continue having the Kickstarter and we’ll talk more about it as I progress on Day 2.