The #1 Secret to A Successful Online Store

In this video, I want to talk about the number one thing you should be doing for your online Shopify business online store whatever but probably aren’t doing so when I first started this idea there are a few different things that popped in my head I’m like alright well people should be mitching down most people aren’t niching down enough people should be selling on Amazon doing the FBA a lot of people still aren’t doing that people should be doing Google Product Ads all these different things and these are all great and they’re very important to do but in my opinion that’s not the number one thing the number one
thing that people you should be doing aren’t is something very important it will actually 3x your productivity 3x your business this is a no BS thing and it’s crazy to me that more people aren’t doing it and that’s just hiring a virtual assistant it is so cheap to do it’s two dollars an hour it’s two dollars an hour approximately to hire a virtual assistant and it will no joke like you always hear this 3 extra productivity 3x the size of your business but by hiring a virtual assistant it will no joke 3 extra productivity because right off the bat you get another person working for you that’s another 40 hours a week ok so you’re probably thinking that’s great that’s 2x that’s not 3x so right off the bat if you’re working 40 hours a week, for instance, you hire someone else at 40
hours a week and you’ve doubled your productivity but it doesn’t in there what it makes you do is it makes you re-evaluate everything that you’re doing when you have to start paying someone to do tasks it makes you ask the very
the important question is this task even worth doing and what you’ll undoubtedly found find out is that a lot of the stuff that you’re doing you’re not willing to pay someone $2 an hour to do it well if you’re not willing to pay
someone $2 an hour to do it’s not worth your time and this was a big realization for me I was doing a lot of things and I would give it to someone and I’m like this is a waste of your time well if it’s a waste of someone at $2 an hour’s time your time is surely worth more than $2 an hour you can go get a minimum-wage job and make $10 an hour and that’s a you know well why would you be doing something that you wouldn’t pay someone $2 an hour when you can go make $10 an hour and you wouldn’t do it yourself anyways I’m you see what I’m saying here but more importantly it makes you look at things differently it makes look at things and more of an algorithmic manner so a good example of a task might be something like I have a spotlight marketing idea where I interview people on my blog I do an article about them and I had all these steps that needed to take place for me to interview someone what I realized is half of them I could automate and the other half was just unnecessary there were just BS steps so I eliminated a bunch of stuff so when you hire a virtual assistant you hire some kind of helper to help you out what you end up finding is a lot of the stuff you’re doing isn’t you know is not worth your time you’re doing it incorrectly there’s added steps or there’s ways to just straight-up automate stuff so I do have a video up here I have a few different videos on how to hire a virtual assistants you can click up here or down below in the show notes I’ll make sure and add those I recommend if you want to find an online a virtual assistant checking out click up here and down there I do get a small kickback this is what I use I 100% use online jobs dot pH and I do get a small kickback if you use that link to sign up so as a thank you for using one of my
links I will give you a free one-on-one consulting session so that’s another little-added bonus and last but not least I think I’ll just I’ll end it with saying it is the best thing I’ve ever done for my business is hiring a virtual
assistant, I got my first one a little over maybe three years ago two and a half three years and it just transformed the way I look at business and all that
fun stuff so if you are starting an online business you can click down here
to subscribe to my youtube channel get my e-commerce success pack for free
up here and if you have any questions please leave it in the show notes below but honestly seriously consider getting a virtual assistant for 200 a little
over two hundred bucks a month you can triple your productivity and if that’s
not worth it to you then I’d get a side job and still hire a virtual assistant
in the long run, it’ll save you time thank you for watching this video and I
hope you enjoyed it