#14 SEO Basics – Off Page SEO and Link Building


In this podcast episode we’re going to be talking about off page SEO and getting backlinks to your website so I quickly wanted to do a review of on-page and off-page SEO just in case you forgot so let’s go over again on-page and off-page SEO so on page SEO is everything you can do to your website to make it easily readable for Google this is a must everyone should do this as soon as possible off page SEO is basically just getting links from other websites to your website and the more important that website is the better it’s kind of an it’s kind of a voting system it’s kind of a popularity contest in a lot of ways and the quick way that Google calculates what they call page rank and page rank is and it’s there’s a few different definitions of this but the one that I usually talk about is there’s a PageRank of one two three all the way up till ten and ten it’s like there’s almost no websites that are PageRank ten maybe I think Wikipedia might be but even what kopitiam might be a nine Google is probably the only one that is for sure a ten if you look it up but a website likeharvard.edu might be a PageRank of eight and how this is calculated is it takes a look at how many links go in to Harvard and are linking different studies that Harvard does and also it takes into account how many outward links it has so if a website has too many links linking from its own website to others that could potentially reflect negatively on it but not always okay so that’s the first thing I want to talk about and remember Google is just a computer it uses an algorithm it uses some kind of a formula to calculate all this stuff and the first one we talked about on-page SEO which is really used to determine what the website is about in this episode we’re talking about all the incoming links which calculates how important and how high up it should been a different search result so with the on-page SEO let’s say your website is all about cat t-shirts and it Google can see this because every website has or every page at the website has the word cat t-shirt and then so it knows that if someone types in cat t-shirt that this website is relevant but it might be on page ten twenty thirty it figures out Google figures out what it should be on in a lot of ways based on how many links are coming into it now this isn’t a complete definition there’s some nuances here and we don’t know everything that Google has to say about this unless you’re an engineer working for Google you don’t know all of Google’s secrets so I also want to talk about black hat SEO and white hat SEO white hat SEO is doing things that Google says you should be doing like going to blogs in trying to get bloggers to talk about your product and put a link to it that’s a pretty white hat another white hat example is going to a newspaper and asking them to write an article black hat is things that Google doesn’t want you to do ways of getting backlinks that Google says is a big no-no things like this would be creating a bunch of blogs for yourself a bunch of blogs and that are just fake crappy blogs and putting links from those blogs to your website or there’s a bunch of different ways view on Fiverr and lookup get , backlinks that is a black hat technique there they’re doing it in a way that is not beneficial so if you think about if what I’m doing is it benefiting people or is it creating a negative are you trying to outwit Google if you’re trying to outwit Google good luck Google is very smart and every year they get it’s getting smarter and smarter and it knows if you’re trying to screw with the algorithm so the best way to get up in the rank is to do white hat stuff to actually do PR actually go to different blog sites and go to different newspapers and magazines and I actually try to get them to link another example and we’ll talk about a ton of these later in this episode but another example is social media getting people to tweet about it getting people to talk about it on Instagram anything you would do for marketing normally so don’t think about too much in terms of SEO especially off page SEO because really what Google wants you to do is just organic marketing now of course there is ways to do it that are better than others I quickly also want to mention grey hat so there’s a thing called grey hat which isn’t necessarily black hat or white hat it’s somewhere in between it’s not something that Google says absolutely do not do this but it’s not exactly the most white hat a met okay so we’re going to get into the tips attack techniques and tactics in just a second but I wanted to say one more thing I want to explain one more thing to you and this is follow versus no follow links a follow link is a typical link that you would think of and it’s where Google will give you credit for that link that would be an example of this would be on a blog article if there is a blog where someone is talking about your product and says hey you need to check this out that would be a following a no follow link is a special kind of link that you see a lot of times for instance in blog comments so if I owned a website for an ayah on a few different websites but let’s say I owned a website and I want to link to an article nine times out of ten that’s a regular follow link now if someone puts a link in the comments that’d be an follow link and I’m telling Google hey I don’t approve this link in the comments it’s probably a bogus link it’s probably someone trying to scam the system so don’t trust it so no follow links like I said I found a lot of times in comments in blogs recently Pinterest actually switched to no follow as well for a long time they were doing follow based links so that’s an example of some two different things to keep in mind so just not all links are the same if it’s a no follow link it’s not as important as a follow link also it depends on what website it comes from you want it to be a relevant website and you want it to be a fairly popular website if it’s sue your neighbor Sue’s who has three followers and they’re all her cats that’s a link from that website is not as important as a link from a leading magazine in your industry or a university or things like that so as promised let’s get into some of the tips techniques and tactics for creating backlinks one way to do it is contest I think contests are one of the best way to create a lot of backlinks a friend of mine actually taught me about this method and he said Twitter backlinks were a great way to do it and I know from firsthand experience I believe Twitter is technically a quote unquote un follow link but it still works Googles till treats it very importantly so I would look at that for sure and one of the way there’s a bunch of different ways to do this I actually haven’t pure Twitter contest I will talk about something I did do later in this episode using Twitter but there’s a bunch of different tools that you can use to run Twitter contests I think gleam IO is one of them don’t quote me on that but I believe that’s something that will help you run contests I’m going to be doing a lot more of this for performance not butter my newest company so you can definitely follow along I’ll talk about this more as I figure out how to do it but you would say something like hey retweet this post for a chance to enter to win agree box of performance nut butter it and it might be announcing performance nut butter macadamia coconut cashew blended nut butter and with a link to it period retweet this for a chance to wine free box and then a hundred people would retweet it and your page would get lot of backlinks to it next up and this is a very basic one but a lot of people skip but set up social media profiles you should set up a Facebook page with a backlink to your website you should set up a Pinterest page with a backlink to your website an Instagram page with a backlink to your website and this is one of those basic strategies very easy to do go to every single social media platform you can and put a link now I can’t promise that you know if you use some obscure ones it might not help you out a ton but this is free easy to do it takes less than a day improbably takes an hour to and the more you use those social media platforms the more valuable those backlinks will be number  guest blogging very simple got other blogs go to blogs that are related to your category related to your niche and ask if you can do an article ask if you can do a guest post very easy to do and like an example of this let’s say once again let’s use performance nut butter I might go to Aikido bloc Aikido friendly blog and ask them if I can do an article about outstand how not all nuts are created equally and I’ll compare macadamia I’ll obviously compare my ingredients favorably not being said I’m not gonna lie an article I’m not going to do anything negative but there’s a reason that I picked the nuts that are in my products I’m going to enlighten the users why my products great but in a way that is beneficial for them obviously if they think that macadamia if my article convinces them that macadamia nuts are really as healthy as they are they could just go buy Mac macadamia nuts they don’t necessarily need to buy my but it will include a link to my product might also say I might do another article on another page another ecofriendly blog and say top seven ecofriendly snacks and obviously I would include mine is one of them so guest blogging very important another one is get bloggers to write about you send your product out to a bunch of bloggers let them do the hard work let them do all the writing and you just sit back and get the link and tell them I’ll send you a free a few free products in exchange for an article or maybe you have to pay them it depends another example another tactic this is tactic number five right here of getting backlinks is something I coined as far as I know it’s called spotlight marketing it’s one of my favorite tactics I use this a lot with my company be dance where the dance clothing company and I’m going to be using it with performance nut butter as well basically what it is you reach out to people that would be your potential customers even your ideal customers and you interview them you spotlight them on your blog so an example of this would be for be dance where we might reach out today and so in fact we do we reach out to dance studios and we say we want to interview you for our blog I think we even say we want to spotlight you on our blog spotlight you in your dance studio on our blog so what happens now first off I have this all automated we’re going to talk about this a lot more in a future episode but I love this tactic basically I send them an email saying we want to spotlight you they usually very often say oh my god thank you so much I’m so I’m so proud and they follow-up and we do an article we write an article about them we post it on our website well what happens they come to our website and they read or they read the article but they’re probably going to try to figure out who the heck is this company that wants to write a blog article about me a lot of them probably don’t even know what a blog article is we’ve had people say well where’s this going to be printed and we have to explain to them no it’s on our websites they’ll come to our website they’ll poke around they’ll try to figure out who we are and if our product is something that they’re interested in you better bet that they are going to they’re going to buy it they’re going to be customer for life especially after we flattered them and we said so many nice things so that’s number one that’s how we get them to the website but that’s not it that’s not where it ends number two is if they like the article they’re going to put a link and why wouldn’t they be my one thing all nice things about them it’s basically a way for them to brag without them having to brag so they’re oftentimes going to put a link from their website to our website boom a backlink and it’s a super relevant pageant on top of that for us with the dance studios all the different members of that dance studio well they’re gonna probably go check it out and then future members are going to also go check out that article poke around and try to figure out if be dance where my dance clothing company’s a good fit now for performance nut butter I’d probably do gym owners I’d probably do people that are more likely to buy in bulk influencers I’d also do influencers anyone that I want to create a good relationship with it’s so much easier to email someone and say want to talk about you than it is today hey I want to talk about my company when you say I want to do a favor for you I want to give you some free marketing on my website that is way more powerful than saying let’s talk about mean my business another option not my favorite option here is go link for link I used to have page on my website and I think we still do with bee dancer where we sashay we’ll link to you if you link to us with performance a nut butter what I might do is have a list of our favorite snacks favorite paleo kudo vegan friendly snacks and we might get-together with a bunch of companies and say look we’re going to put a link on our website to your website if you can do the same and for me first thing I would do just one big page with all of this now there’s debate whether how powerful this is or not but I think if you do in a good way we’re a way that we’re you’re adding value it’s a page on your website where you’re really talking about the top  similar companies and you don’t want to do direct competitors I would never do another nut butter company unless I felt like they were different enough that people would buy both of our products you want it to be someone like for instance for me I might do a cup I might link to a company that sells almond flour crackers because people that like almond flour crackers probably also going to like my product or ghee like pasture-raised Ki butter those are some examples of some links or links that I might do another tip is Pinterest pin and this isn’t as powerful as it used to be because they switched to unfollow links but it used to be pretty powerful if you have a page on your website that Google sees  people have pinned they’re more likely to rank that higher up in Google it’s just how it is Google does a lot of different things to see how powerful or how popular our website is this happens to be one of them another example of content at least is roundup posts so instead of just doing spotlight marketing on a one-to-one basis what you could do is say the top dance studios in the United States which is something I did and at least last time I checked if you look at top dance studios in the United States my website my blog will come up and here’s the dirty little secret I’d made that up mean I did my best to do as much research as possible and once the top dance studios are but I’m not an expert and some of the people on the list probably don’t deserve to be there let’s just be honest last but not least number get governments or Edu articles so if you can get an article on a.gov website or a dot Edu website that’s very powerful there’s some different ways to do this but if you went to a college youkan always try to email them I haven’t done this yet I’m going to do this for performance nut butter and we’ll see how it goes but you can email any college you went to and said hey I’m going to Lumneither this college I just made this crazy new company what do you think about it you know could we do an article potentially and some of them will say no but you know what they might say yes and you just keep saying hey look at this new thing look at this new thing look at this new thing so that is it I’m going to go over all nine of the ones that I have right here number one Twitter contest number two I set up social media profiles number three guest blogging number four get bloggers to write about your number five spotlight marketing number six do a link for link trade number seven Pinterest pins number eight roundup post top ten that my example is the top dance studios number nine get government or Edu articles and I want to leave you with one last thing don’t dub ends we talked about that earlier honestly nine times out of ten don’t hire someone to do SEO for you if you are looking for someone to do SEO I don’t provide SEO services I do consulting I don’t actually do done for us Eservices but I do have a few different people that I recommend so if you want to find out about that email me Travis at effective e-commerce comma I’ve had friends and I I haven’t used any one myself personally but I’ve had friends that have used people so I try to compile all the best different SEO providers so email me if you’re interested in finding out who those people are so I’m going to wrap up here actually in just a second but if you are starting an online business go to effective e-commerce comma you can get my success pack I think it’s probably if you go to the website and poke around you’ll find it there that’s number one number two go to iTunes if you haven’t yet go to iTunes leave a five star review and I will enter you in a chance to win a free one-on-one consulting session with me plus it just really helps out the podcast it lets me know that you guys like what I’m doing here and the more five star reviews we get the higher up the iTunes ranking this is kind of a way for me to do quote-unquote search engine optimization for me to get higher up into iTunes ranking it’s directly correlated with how many reviews so just like you want to get higher up in these and Google rankings I need to get higher up in iTunes for this podcast Tobe sustainable for me to keep wanting to do it and the best way to do that is leave a five star review on iTunes and I will enter you in a chance to win a free one-on-one consulting session with me plus it just really helps out the podcast last but not least I do have few different courses I think I’ve mentioned this before but I do have a course for starting ecommerce businesses go to effective ecommerce com check those out I won’t plug those too hard if you’re interested you can go find them Ingot actually a lot going on Wednesdays I’ve been doing a free YouTube live at o’clock check out my YouTube channel infect check out my YouTube channel for all these different videos that I’m doing about this actually started as a YouTube channel and I since I’ve made it into a podcast alright I can tell I’m rambling at this point so I’m going to cut it here and remember every Monday and Thursday I have a new podcast episode for you thank you so much for watching that while watching this video if you’re on YouTube or listening to this podcast if you’re listening to it and thank you have a great day and good luck with everything

Off page SEO and link building are a crucial part of your seo plan and in this episode

  • Review of On Page and Off Page
  • How Google Calculates page rank
  • Black Hat and White Hat
  • Gray Hat
  • Follow vs. No Follow


  1. Twitter Contests
  2. Set Up Social Media Profiles
  3. Guest Blogging
  4. Get Bloggers to write about you
  5. Spotlight Marketing
  6. Link for Link
  7. Pinterests pins
  8. Round up posts – Top Dance studios
  9. Get Governments or edu articles

Don’t Do PBN or really any black hat tactics, my story