#1 Secret To Successful Email Marketing

In this video I’m gonna give you the number one secret to successful email marketing and it’s probably not what you think it’s not automation it’s not segmentation both those things are extremely helpful extremely important especially as you get more advanced –fill with email marketing but the number one secret to successful email marketing is to give people what they want if you’re not sending out emails that people actually want to read they’re not gonna buy your product they’re not gonna care about anything you have to say and I know what you’re thinking at this point it’s like well how do I give people what they want and there’s a couple different things here but the first thing is think about it are you when you’re sending out emails are you sending out emails on what you want people to know or are you sending out emails on what you think they need to know or what they actually need to know. So there’s a couple different ways to do this one of the things you can do is put yourself in your customers shoes what do they care about what do they not care about tell you right now they don’t care about most of anything that you care about they don’t care if your Instagram numbers are huge they don’t care if your YouTube channel is successful they don’t care if you’re making a lot of money usually at least but what they do care about is hey maybe you want your maybe you want to grow your YouTube channel. So instead of saying hey go please subscribe to my YouTube channel send them a video send them an amazing video and tell them we have a lot more videos just like this on our website. So for instance with be dancer my dance clothing company will send out DIY videos and we’ll say hey if you want more DIY videos go to our YouTube channel that helps us to promote our YouTube channel we’ll share things on Instagram we’ll say if you enter to win an our dance dancer of the month we’ll share it on Instagram go check out our Instagram to see what other people are have been sending in to us. So we try to always put ourselves in their head and think what do they care about what do they want more of what do they want less of. So coupons now coupons are something that maybe both people want you want to send out a coupon and you want them to buy they want to receive the coupons that’s a good example of something good but the consistent that the key is consistency of sending out value it’s kind of like Jerry Gary Vaynerchuk’s Jab Jab Jab right hook. So you got to give value you got to give value you got to give value keep them opening the email keep giving them stuff that they want and then you can say hey by the way I just launched this new product what do you think you know please go purchase it but if you’re constantly thinking about yourself your email subscribers are just going to unsubscribe they don’t they don’t care about you. So what can you do well ask them ask them what they want to hear more of I’ve done this before in the past and I probably could too even more of it ask them what do you want to learn more about and you might be surprised you might think that they care about this section over here but what they actually care about is something completely different maybe I think that all the people on the Effective Ecommerce list they want to know about AdWords it’s this silo turns out what they really care about is Facebook Ads over here. So what am I gonna do I’m gonna give up more Facebook ads and more Facebook ads and even though I think AdWords is very important I might slip in some AdWords every once in a while I might even make a comparison Facebook versus AdWords to let them be interested in the thing that they really care about which is Facebook ads but kind of slip in there hey AdWords is pretty important too. So that’s some of the different things you can do with your email marketing and like I said at the beginning of the video automation and segmentation is very helpful very powerful. So segmentation is sending different emails to different parts of your list. So maybe you’re gonna send different emails to people that have purchased from you then people that haven’t purchased from you might send out different emails to people that have purchased within the last six months. So maybe if they haven’t purchased within six months you’ll want to send them a coupon you’ll want to send them something to try to get them back maybe if they’ve never purchased from you you’ll also want to send them a coupon but you probably want to send coupons to people that are buying from you all the time just because it doesn’t really make sense they’re gonna buy from you anyways why would you want to give them a coupon to come back to make them buy from you again automation is very important to you. So when someone subscribes to your list they automate it automatically get some emails and if you want to see what an automated sequence looks like you can click up here get my Ecommerce success pack in the success pack not only will you get to see what my email automation looks like and what my email flow looks like you’re also gonna get a checklist for sending out emails a checklist on email marketing very helpful I’d go through this checklist anytime I send out a major email campaign. So that’s some of the different things I have for you I hope this was video was very helpful if it was click that subscribe button I’m gonna have a lot more information on this I’m also gonna be having an email course cut out soon if you want more information on that get the Ecommerce success pack you’ll I’ll definitely announce it win when it’s time it might be a few months it might be a little bit longer we’ll see depending on the interest level. So you get the Ecommerce success pack at that checklist for your email marketing for setting up your email campaigns also you’ll hear about the next big course I have coming out on email marketing last but not least if you have any questions please leave it in the comments down below I answer every single question I go through this is one of my favorite things to do I go through and I look and I try to best help out you. So if you have any questions leave it down below subscribe get the Ecommerce success pact leave a comment thank you. So much and I hope this video was helpful.