Don’t Start a Shopify Store Until You See This



Don’t start a Shopify site until you see this video I want to prevent you from making a few different mistakes I see people make over and over again. So in this video we’re gonna look at some good websites on Shopify and some bad and I’m gonna give you some quick tips on everything you need to know before you get started on how you can be successful with Shopify now obviously I can’t tell you everything in the world but let me give you the condensed down version of the most common mistakes I see people making.

1. You Need to be Special – they have nothing that makes their company their brand special if you have nothing that makes your website special people aren’t going to shop a shop from your Shopify site they’re gonna go onto Amazon to buy their stuff.

2. You Need to be Niche Down – you need to be niche down Amazon is already that everything store you cannot be that everything store unless you have a few billion dollars that you can spend like jet comm did and if you don’t know about jet comm they’re still not as big as Amazon and they’re probably won’t they probably go out of business they probably will never topple Amazon but they had a lot of money I think at least a billion dollars I could be wrong on that number but there’s still not as successful as Amazon. So don’t try to be in everything store niche down sell a very specific thing

3. You Need to build a Tribe – build a tribe of people that love your company and are willing to basically spread the message for you do all the marketing I see so many people start Shopify sites without any kind of (more…)

#1 Reason Why YOU Will Fail with Amazon FBA



In this video we’re gonna talk about the number one reason people fail with Amazon FBA and I’m gonna show you some examples right here. So what is the number one reason people fail with Amazon FBA well there’s probably three main reasons actually III can there I’ll narrow it down to one reason at the end of the video but if I had to come up with one I’d actually said there’s three different ones. So number one your product sucks number two your product page sucks and number three you have no strategy you have no strategy for getting reviews you’ve no strategy for marketing all these different things. So let’s break down each one of these and then we’ll talk about what the number one reason that people fail with Amazon.

1. Your Product Sucks – So many people on Amazon selling the same generic thing is everyone else I’ll give an example I bought some matcha powder the other day and there must have been a hundred different people selling matcha powder it’s probably the same thing on Amazon and it’s all just the it’s all the same to be honest with you now some of them might be organic or this or that but for the most part there’s nothing special about the product. So if you have a product that a hundred other people are selling it’s very very difficult to rank number one for that it’s very very difficult to make money from that. So to show you an example of what I’m talking about it you search for matcha you see there’s a lot of matcha here a lot of similar stuff and most of them don’t stand out I do kind of like the packaging on this one because it’s got the green (more…)

Amazon FBA Basic’s Tutorial | Effective Ecommerce Podcast #36



In this episode of the effective e-commerce podcast, we’re gonna be talking about Amazon Amazon FBA selling on Amazon we’re gonna go over all the details all the secrets and right now I’m doing probably about fifty thousand dollars a month off of Amazon. So I’m definitely not the world’s number one expert in Amazon or Amazon FBA but I’m doing pretty well like it pays the bills and then some actually I’m very happy with how I’m doing. So I’ll teach you everything I know in this episode all the different secrets but one of the first things we should talk about is what is Amazon what is Amazon FBA selling on Amazon what does all this mean. So at this point if you don’t know what Amazon is this is not the podcast for you obviously Amazon is the world’s largest e-commerce platform at least I don’t know how it compares to Alibaba actually but anyways it’s as far as I know at least in the US if you are making a purchase through an e-commerce website chances are it’s Amazon I think something like 50 percent fifty to fifty five percent of all e-commerce transactions went through Amazon as of last year. So it’s if you’re gonna be launching a physical product it’s smart to do it on Amazon now a lot of people what they do is they just white label products throw it up on Amazon I think that’s an okay strategy I think that’s a short-term strategy if you want to get your feet wet and learn about it that’s fine to do but I specifically recommend creating your own product more or less from scratch and it’s not as hard as you would think it’s a it’s almost as much work it’s about the (more…)

Amazon VS Google Adwords



In this video, we’re gonna talk about Amazon versus Google AdWords which one should you start with. So you’re obviously you’re starting a new business or maybe you’ve been in business for a little while and you haven’t yet utilized either Amazon or Google AdWords well where should you start the quick answer is for 99% of the people out there Amazon, to be honest Amazon is such a powerful system it’s a it is a beast and. So why do I say this last year 50% of all e-commerce sales were made on Amazon.

That’s all ecommerce every time someone used their credit card online 50% of one out of two of those was on Amazon now contrast that with Google AdWords and I think Google AdWords has a lot of benefits don’t get me wrong but setting up Amazon is. So simple it’s just you basically upload your product you do a little bit of things sure you try to get some reviews technically you’re not supposed to do incentivized reviews but pretty much everybody out there does and then other than that it’s just a snowball that kind of grows on its own where AdWords is gonna cost you money averaged you might spend hundreds of dollars before you make a single sale before you make a single dollar back.

Though that’s the big breakdown of the two here but let’s dive in a little bit deeper. So I started my first company bean answer my first e-commerce company B dance we’re about five years ago and I did AdWords for a long time and you know it’s a struggle at first I’m not gonna lie to you it’s not easy right away and I did make a mistake of not learning from someone else that’s already done it I (more…)

5 Reason You Will Fail on Amazon FBA



In this video, I’m gonna give you the five reasons you’re going to fail with Amazon FBA and what to do about it. So let’s start off right away and go over all five of the reasons and then we’ll go into detail on each one and how to fix it

1. No one wants what you’re selling. So a lot of people I see launch a product without doing the proper amount of research and trying to figure out going on the ground and asking people is this a product that you would even want and this could be anything I’ve seen. So many people that shirt they white label product and what they’re selling isn’t necessarily special or different than what’s already on the market which will dive in deeper. for number four but the other thing is sometimes people launch a new product a brand new product doesn’t exist but it turns out the reason it doesn’t exist is because nobody wants it.

When you’re about to launch a product you have to do a little bit of research see what’s out there see if it’s something that people the product that you’re creating is something that people would buy how do you do this one of my number one tips is run it as a Kickstarter first and if you’re creating a product from scratch and you do it as a Kickstarter that’ll very black-and-white tell you does anyone care about this you can set your goal pretty low you can say hey if I raise a thousand dollars that’s enough for me this is up to you but that’s one of the easiest ways in my opinion to test your product out and get paid for doing it the other way you can do it is make a (more…)

#35 Top 20 Best Ecommerce Tools and Services Part 2


Get Your Free Online Store Success Pack Here:

Get Bluehost:

Get Klaviyo:

Get Mailchimp:

Get Sumome:


Everybody in this episode of the effective e-commerce podcast we’re gonna be doing the top 20 best e-commerce tools in services part two if you haven’t seen part one yet go check that out you don’t need to see part one or listen to part one to see part two it I mean it’s just ten more ecommerce tools and services and this is hugely helpful I’ll recap at the end of this episode the ones from last week last week’s podcast episode but. So let’s just jump into it right now. So number eleven remember this is a continuation of the top twenty. So we’re gonna start with number 11 we have Zendesk and we’ll talk more about what Zendesk is and how it can be really helpful number two SEO Mo’s Maz I believe it is number thirteen Optimizely number fourteen LastPass number fifteen Bluehost which I love number sixteen good business credit card you should have a good business credit card that’s a great I think service or tool it’s a great tool and I’ll explain why later number seventeen MailChimp and Klaviyo number eighteen sumo me number nineteen zapier and number twenty some kind of remarketing setting up remarketing basically I hate a dural do not use admiral they will charge you way more they’ll overcharge there’s a bunch of stuff I set up a troll originally which if you don’t know it’s a platform that will remark it for you but they don’t optimize it it’s it’s very poorly done.

It doesn’t take that long to set it up yourself I will have some episode if I don’t already have some videos out on it yet I will have some videos out soon on how to (more…)

How to Start an Online Store on 2018



In this video, I’m going to talk about how to start an online store in 2018 and things are different now it’s a little bit harder but it’s also a beautiful time and I recommend everyone if you’re thinking about starting an online store this is the time right now. So let’s quickly go over some of the things that are different and at the end of the video I’ll dive in a little bit deeper and then let’s talk about the actual technical aspects on how to build an online store. So first off what’s different it’s not as easy as it used to be you can’t just throw up a crappy drop shipping website a crappy whatever type of website and expect to get sales though I don’t know if you ever could really do that. So what’s different now you’re gonna need to niche down there you need to create a brand and you’re gonna need to create a tribe around you really what you’re gonna need to do is have a product that’s special.

We’ll talk about all four of those things later in this video but let’s talk really quickly on how to start an online store all the technical things 2018. So first off this will be a short version of it if you want the full video you can click up here get the full longer length video explaining how to start an online store but let’s do the quick version step 1 bio domain names super easy to do GoDaddy or Namecheap if it’s your first domain name you can go on GoDaddy get a domain name for $0.99 just Google $0.99 GoDaddy domain name first one I believe is still just one dollar after that name cheeps a little bit cheaper as the (more…)

7 Adwords Success Secrets



In this video, I’m going to share with you seven AdWords secrets including step-by-step examples of how to implement these different secrets. So let’s jump right into it let’s go over what all seven of the secrets are right now and then later in the video we’ll go into each one in detail number one is find by intent keywords and this is a very specific type of keyword number two is find a ton of negative keywords and I have some tips on how to find really good negative keywords number three write powerful ad copy and we’ll go over how to do this in details later in this video number four review your ad words and this is a huge mistake.

Many people make is they don’t review their ad words and we’re going to talk about how to do that and some specific secrets and specifically how to review your ad words number five set up shopping ads if you’re gonna be doing AdWords don’t just do regular text ads also set up shopping ads number six if you’re gonna be setting up the shopping ads anyways find keywords from your shopping ads and I’ll explain later in this video what I mean but the quick version is your your shopping ad abs are gonna go for a bunch of different search queries Google will show it for a bunch of different search queries what you’ll do is you’ll find the keywords that convert and make them into regular text ads and finally number seven retarget retarget using display ads and also to be honest Facebook Ads once you get people to your website you’re getting this qualified traffic to your website your goal is to retarget them and it’s not that expensive it’s one of the it’s one (more…)

#34 Top 20 Best Ecommerce Tools and Services Part 1


Everybody in this episode of The effective e-commerce podcast gonna be talking about the top 20 yeah yeah hey everybody in this episode of the affected ecommerce podcast I’m gonna be talking about the top 20 best e-commerce tools and services and this minion of having to be a two-part episode but I’m going to start right off the bat here let’s actually before we get into it let me just mention that I do have the AdWords and product listing ads course there’s the sale is only gonna be for a few more days you can click the link up here or down below if you’re watching YouTube video otherwise just going to check it out it’s a great deal and honestly AdWords would be one of the top ecommerce tools and services but you know it’s paid well not only is it paid but it’s it’s. So well known that I did not include on this list. So let’s get into the top 20 best e-commerce tools and services and let’s start off by I’m gonna first list out the first 10 and then we’ll dive in deep to each of the other 10 and then I’ll list the next 10 and dive in deep to all those.

Number one is online jobs dot pH it’s one of the best things I’ve ever done is buying a month of service on their I’ll explain why it’s a way to get virtual assistants number two Google sheets and Docs number three little script which is a very powerful tool if you use it correctly number four is Google Analytics number five is up work number six 99designs which I’ve used to design the logo for performance nut butter number seven is fiver number eight is jungle scout number nine email (more…)

How to Find Negative Keywords in Adwords



In this video I’m gonna show you three ways to find negative keywords for your AdWords campaign and this is a crucial step a lot of people
forget about this step a lot of people don’t add any negative keywords to their campaigns which is just a big mistake and this video this is actually an example from the AdWords and product listing ads course that I just launched you can click up here to find out more information or down below but let’s get right into it. So the three different techniques I’m gonna show you step by step how to use all these I’m gonna do a little screen share here in just a second I’ll show you how to use all these and the three different techniques are number one uber suggests number two the keyword planner and number three is actually using your own data actually reviewing your campaigns and this is number three is the most powerful way I’d say number two is the most common way most people know about number two and then number one Uber suggests it’s probably my favorite way if you want to find a lot of negative keywords before you spend a dollar uBersuggests is the best and the keyword planner is number two but number three option actually finding negative keywords from your own data which I’ll show you how to do is it’s extremely powerful in the sense that you’re you you can guarantee that you’re wasting money on these and it’s a good way to make sure you’re not wasting any more money and I’ll show you how to do all three of these in this video the first way to find negative keywords in one of my favorite ways is ubersuggest and this is a real like (more…)