How to Figure Out How Many Sales You Get for Which Product on Amazon


In this video, I am going to show you how to find out what items and how many items have sold through Amazon. So, first of all, it is pretty much no matter where you are, go up to the Business, then Business Reports. I believe, let’s double check. Yes, that is right. Then you are going to go to Detail Page Sales and Traffic. You can actually change the range here. So, this is last month. First of all, you can see that we sold 31 of these items. We probably want to start stocking more of them. We can look down and see what items we want to actually add into FDA. We do not want all of our items in FDA.

One of the things we could do here is changing the Date Range. So, let’s say we want to go all the way back from the point where we started selling on Amazon. We can create the graph and you can see All­­­­­­­ Rights. The order is descending. Then, we can look through this. We might even find things that we are not selling on Amazon doing Amazon Prime. If we want to, we can go through and look at it. This is really helpful.

You can also see things like your Session Percentage, Percentage of Paid Views – all kinds of different things. You can see what percentage of people actually purchased your product, how many sessions, how many times people come to your page and view it. And, then, from there you can figure out total product sales. This is very helpful when trying to figure out what items to actually sell on Amazon.