How I TRIPLED My Amazon Sales This Week!

I tried out a few techniques to increase my sales for Amazon FBA. Hopefully you could pick something up from these new techniques and increase your Amazon FBA sales as well.

1. New Main Photo

I really am not satisfied with my main photo. I hired someone to create a computer rendered image, and it turned out well. One of the main reasons why the main image is important is because when someone is searching for a product, you need your main image to stand out from the rest.

2. Review Paid Ads

Setting up your PPC (also known as sponsored products) is one of the important things you could do for Amazon. Once in a while, you should review them and see how they’re going. Once you download your report, you would get to see what are the keywords that people are looking for.

3. Add Keywords

Here is where you’ll add your results from your PPC report. You add in the positive keywords so you can show up for the keywords potential customers have searched for. You would want to think outside the box as well. Think of all the different keywords you would want to show up for.

4. Hire A Copywriter

Rather than just do it myself, I decided to hire a copywriter to edit my product’s listing. One of the main things she did was she focused on the benefits of my products and not the features.

5. Systematize Reviews

The first thing I did to get more reviews is to sign up for SellerLabs and FeedbackGenius. What FeedbackGenius does is it sends out an email after someone buys your product to give back a review. This next tip is a grey area and I don’t really recommend this but you could have people you meet buy your product and leave a review then (more…)

10 SECRETS I Used to Create My SIX FIGURE Amazon FBA Listing

How do you create the perfect listing? First of all, you need to have a good product. Don’t just private label a product, instead, create something unique. In this video, you’ll learn about beginner tactics and advance tactics to build your Amazon business.

1 .Keywords
This is one the most important thing that you need to think about: keywords. Think about what people would search for in Amazon and where your product would show up for.
2. Title
The first thing to you need to consider for your title are keywords, you should put keywords that people would search for in Amazon that you would want your product to show up for. However, you shouldn’t stuff your title with keywords either. Your title should look good for your customer.
3. Main Image
This might be the most important, you need to make sure that your main image stands out from the search results. Try searching a search term that you’d like to show up for and look if your product image pops. Keep in mind that it needs to be in a white background and crop it in a way that the images takes as much space a possible but there would still be a white space around it. I recommend that your main image should be computer generated.
4. Other Images
You can upload about 7 images in your Amazon product listing, take advantage of this and upload images such a action shots, how to use your product, a comparison shot, dimension and sizing, ingredients, certifications, user pictures, and your product from different angles. Make sure your product do a good job at selling your product.
5. Bullet Point
You’re trying to convince your customers to buy your product, and not everyone reads bullet points but for those that do, this is the (more…)

$14,814.07 in My First Month of Amazon FBA – How I Launched My Product

1. Make A Community of People
Make a tribe, make a group where you send notifications to so on the day you release your product, they buy it. Instead of an email, you have an entire group behind you

2. Build An Email List
When you launch a product, you’re going to email everyone and they’re going to know that it’s available. Another tip is to make the price lower. When I first launched my product, I made the price lower and told them they will never be able to get the product for such a low price. Building an email list before you launch is extremely helpful.

3. Build An Instagram Page
You just need the basics, create a page and add relatively good content that is related to your niche. Then, follow, like, and comment to other people’s accounts. The goal is to engage with them and show them that you’re a real person trying to launch a good product out there.

4. Perfect Your Product Page
How do you do this? You need to have the key words that people would search for in google. You need to have these words in your title and you need to have well-crafted bullet points. You also need to craft your images really well.

5. 5. Lead Up
2 or 3 weeks before the launch, send out emails letting people know that your product is going live soon.

Why 99% of Entrepreneurs Fail | Top 7 Mistakes to Avoid!

7 Reason Why I See Entrepreneurs Failing

  1. Thinking You Can’t
    Successful entrepreneurs don’t have a ‘magic ability’. Instead of thinking that you can’t, focus on what you can learn from these successful people and how you can duplicate their ways fit to your situation, of course.

2. Taking
You should give value. New entrepreneurs tend to take from every interaction they get. If you want to make money, you should be putting a product out there that people would want instead of their money. Remember, don’t lead with taking, lead with value.

3. Focusing On The Negatives
When you’re starting out on a business, don’t focus too much on the negatives. Get inspired and try to learn why successful people are successful.

4. Scarce Mindset
When you’re in this fear mindset, in this survival mode mindset, your brain is not working optimally. The first step is to get out of that survival mode. The goal is to get enough money in your bank so that you’re not in this fear mode of thinking. For some people who have a lot of money saved up, just realize that you’re going to be okay.

5. Asking Simple Questions
Some entrepreneurs fail at answering simple questions they could easily search in google. Instead, figure out everything you can on your own. When you get stuck, that’s the time you ask help.

6. Not Learning From Other People
Whatever you’re doing, someone has already done something very similar to it. Figure out what they did and learn from it. Figure out what they did step by step. Don’t just stop at watching videos, diversify your learnings. Read books and listen to audiobooks.

7. Thinking They Can Do It Alone
You can do it by yourself, but it’s so much easier to surround yourself with like-minded people. Their able to find things that are missing and they are able (more…)

Things These Successful Entrepreneurs Don’t Want You to Know

After going through one of the best weeks I’ve had, I had experienced a really bad week. In this vlog, I’ll show you ways that successful entrepreneurs don’t want you to know:

Focus On The Positives
Get Some Exercise
Have a Routine
Take Everything Day to Day

Just remember that life has a lot of ups and downs, it’s the entrepreneurial journey that everybody goes through. Next time you’re in a purple zone, know that it’s part of the journey.

Why Hiring a Virtual Assistant Will Completely Change Your Life

Want to know the most important thing I have done for my business? Hiring a VA. VA’s have TRIPLED my productivity and cost close to nothing to hire!

When you hire a VA, you triple your productivity for three different reasons:

Time Wasting Tasks

When hiring a VA, you’ll find yourself choosing which tasks you would give them and which tasks you would keep doing yourself. Then you find out that there are tasks where you wouldn’t pay someone $2-$3 an hour. So why are you doing it? Realizing these tasks and stopping it would save you a lot of time and money.

Better Systems

When you’re giving tasks, you’ll have to explain to them how to do them. What I personally do, is I do screen recordings to explain it better. Other people have different methods such as typing out step by step how to complete a task. As you’re explaining the steps, you’ll realize that there are certain steps that aren’t necessary. If they aren’t necessary, they could also be automated by a program like Zapier, IFTTT, MailChimp, and Google Script.

They’re Better Than You

It’s hard to believe, but there are people who are better than you at specific tasks, and they’re for hire. As a business owner, you’re not suppose to be an expert at every task. You need to know what tasks to delegate and who to delegate to. My VA, Dan, edits my videos for me. He can do tasks that would take me ten hours in just two hours. I have my VA’s edit videos, respond to emails, do social media work, and write blog posts.

By delegating tasks to your VA’s, your brain just works better. You don’t have to learn everything for every task, you’ll be able to be the commander of your business.

How (more…)

Don’t Do Dropshipping Do This Instead!!!

Don’t do dropshipping! I have seen a lot of YouTubers who promote DropShipping as a way to get a lot of money quickly but the truth is, it’s not. You really have to work your butt off to get money from drop shipping. Let’s be honest, as long as you hustle and work very hard, you can make money off of anything. Today, I’ll share with you a way to make money that I wish more YouTubers would share. But before that, let’s talk about dropshipping:


  1. Doesn’t cost much. You won’t need a lot of money to start with Dropshipping.


  1. Doesn’t cost much. This is also a con because it’s easy for anyone to start up and replicate your store, now you have competition and the sales will be split to 50/50.
  2. Manufacturers can cut you off at any time.
  3. There is nothing special about you. Another bigger better person can come into space and beat you.

People do pay for value, and by being the middleman, you are putting some value in the world. You are connecting the buyer and the seller. But there are better ways to put value into the world. So how do you add value to the world?

One of the easy ways to get around it is to take something you’re passionate about and create something that does not exist yet that you personally wish it did. Don’t be a dropshipper, be a product creator.

7 Steps On How You Can Create a Product: