Google Adwords Tutorial with Step by Step Walkthrough

In this video, I’m gonna do a complete start to finish AdWords tutorial and walkthrough I’m gonna show it via screen share we’re gonna go over everything you need to know to set up an AdWords campaign we’re stuff from the very beginning and do keyword research to find good keywords that we should be bidding on then we’re gonna take those keywords make some ad groups make some ads and I’ll show you how to write powerful ad copy after that we’re gonna do everything we need to do to complete the campaign including adding things like negative keywords I’m gonna show you how to do all this step-by-step via screen share in just a moment and this is actually a lesson from my adwords and product listing ads course it’s a full course you can find out more information about up here or down below but now let’s get into the actual video the first thing we’re gonna do is obviously you need to sign up for Gmail if you don’t already have Gmail.


You can access Adwords but after that we’re gonna do some keyword research figure out which keywords to do and then we’re gonna build the ad and talk about negative keywords some of my tips for that as well as how to review the ads and some different advanced tactics and techniques. So once you have a gmail account which I already do up here you’re just gonna click on AdWords like Google AdWords click on there go ahead and click start now and there is a bunch of coupons online I tried to quickly find some coupons before this tutorial I saw one for $75 it’s okay you can set up your AdWords account and always add a coupon later. So performance nut butter calm (more…)

PNB Limited Offer + 2nd Production Run Packaging | PNB Vlog 16



So I have some big news to talk about in this video but first I want to give you guys a huge thank you present I want to give you guys 20% off if you use the code kickstarter my website is now live to go to performance nut butter calm and you can get 20% off using the coupon code Kickstarter and you can actually get an additional 10% off if you sign up for a subscription you can do 1 month 2 month or 3 month refills. So if you’ve wanted to you can get one box delivered every three months and you can lock in that rate that’s 30% off total if you combine it which gets it the box it’s basically about $20 a box pretty close to the Kickstarter rate and that includes free shipping it’s the lowest I can possibly offer as you guys may have been aware I’ve been I had to raise the price on Amazon and there’s a few different reasons for that one is that Amazon charges a huge fee to sell on their platform but the second part is I kind of under guessed how much a lot of the expenses I underestimated how much it would cost to actually get a box of PNB. So I apologize to everyone you know that thinks it’s too expensive now. So I wanted to let you know that I do have that offer someone I want everyone that’s been supporting me since the beginning I want to make sure that I keep you guys happy keep you guys as big fans.

Performance nut butter .com use the coupon code Kickstarter at checkout and you’ll get 20% off if you want to lock in that rate and get an extra 10% off you just (more…)