Top Books to Read | Effective Ecommerce Podcast #39

Get Your Free Online Store Success Pack Here:


The Lean Start up

How to win friends and influence people

David and Goliath

Don’t Make me Think

Think and Grow Rich

E-Myth Revisited

Primal Branding

Building a Story Brand

Lead with a story

Jab Jab Jab RIght Hook

Trust Me I’m Lying

Good to Great


Steven Jobs

Elon Musk

Sam Walton

Andrew Carnagie


Four Hour Work Week

The Lean Start up
is exactly what I do with performance nut butter it’s coming up with a product doing one SKU just doing it as simply as possible now I could have even done a more minimally Viable Product that’s MVP you’ll hear people talk a lot about this the navy product is like the minimal thing that would work as a product so for performance nut butter I could have just done it as a jar I could have manufactured it myself sold

How to win friends and influence people
I read and there’s so many things it’s one of those books that every few years or every year or two actually I go back to and I revisit some of the principles and a lot of them are almost common sense but it’s things that you probably forget in your day to day life so one of the examples from the book is you want to think about the other person you want to think about what they want first and this is something I see a lot of people making the mistake of especially a lot of people email me saying hey you should help me because it would help me make more money and they try to get my help and they talk about all the things how it would help them and if I had more money

David and Goliath
what I’d recommend pretty much anything by Malcolm Gladwell all of his books are amazing but for entrepreneurs (more…)

#1 Reason People Fail with Shopify


Top Reasons Shopify Stores Fail:

Shopify stores (and small businesses in general) are notorious for how fast they rise and fall. As a result, many people find themselves wondering why theirs does not work. In general, the number one reason that a Shopify store fails is that the items being sold are too general. The phrase generally used to narrow down the items sold to a target demographic would be ‘niche down’. The whole idea behind niche-ing down your store is to identify a target demographic, such as yoga moms in urban areas, and find an item that would fit suit to them. When everyone has the same idea of selling general merchandise on Shopify, it saturates the Shopify market. Some important questions to ask yourself when setting up your site might be: “Why would someone buy an item off of my site instead of Amazon?”. Or another great question could be: “Why would someone want to tell their friends about my product?”. This all ties into the concept of building a brand. Building a brand is a huge part of having a successful company; you want your potential customers to associate value with your brand and have it mean something to them. An example for this might be kayaks. You can go purchase a kayak on Amazon easily, what would make a potential customer want to purchase a kayak from you instead of Amazon? The answer put simply is brand recognition. Brand recognition is really the only reason small businesses are able to get by anymore since Walmart or Amazon has 99% of the market covered. If you put out content related to kayaking consistently and present your company with the outdoorsy-adventurous aesthetic that a kayak customer would look for, they might be more drawn to purchase from you instead of (more…)

What is Shopify?



In this video I’m gonna answer the question for you what is Shopify and why do you keep hearing about it why do you keep hearing about all these people making a ton of money off I made you know five thousand dollars in one day on Shopify and all these different crazy things that you’re hearing. So the answer to what is Shopify it’s basically a website you can go to and you can build an e-commerce store you can build an online store and they’ll also host it for you now if you’re looking at potentially signing up for Shopify I do have a special offer at the end of this video with a link that you can get a free one-on-one consulting session with me but let’s first go in depth a little bit more on what is Shopify why is it. So special are you gonna get rich quick are you gonna make a million dollars overnight the short answer is probably not I mean it’s not a get-rich-quick scheme it’s not anything that it’s just a place for you to build an online store a place for you do you know build something where people can purchase things from you now just because you build it does not mean they will come a lot of people think that all I’m gonna build an online store and I’m gonna get you know I’m gonna make thousands and thousands of dollars no just because you have some website doesn’t mean anybody cares you need to still get traffic to that website and that’s actually 99% of the game. So if you’re thinking about starting an online store yes Shopify is amazing I’m gonna show you some Shopify websites and we show you a little bit of what the (more…)

Influencer and Affiliate Marketing | Effective Ecommerce Podcast #38

In this episode of the effective e-commerce podcast we’re gonna be talking about Affiliate in Influencer marketing which is something I’m gonna be doing for my new company performance nut butter pretty heavily. So I did ate a lot of research on the best ways to do Influencer and Affiliate marketing we talked about what the difference is between Influencer and Affiliate marketing we’re gonna go into the how to’s of how to do it all that fun stuff but before we get into that I do have a quick announcement performance nut butter just launched its jars on Amazon. So if you go to Amazon just search performance nut butter checkout the jars it is that a hugely discounted rate I’m actually losing a little bit of money. So if you ever wanted to try the product this is a great time to do it I put it at a discounted rate early on to gain some sales velocity gains some sales traction but anyways the the product is live. So if want to try it go to Amazon type in performance nut butter calm and you’ll see it there. So let’s go over Influencer and Affiliate marketing. So what is Influencer marketing versus Affiliate marketing Influencer marketing is hiring people on Instagram Pinterest YouTube any social media platform any anywhere that there are Influencers and basically paying them or giving them free product in exchange for posts Affiliate marketing is a little bit different even though it’s fairly similar with Affiliate marketing you give your you give these Influencers links and they only make money if they make sales. So I might approach a youtuber and say hey about this product performance nut butter every time someone uses one your links and makes a purchase I’ll give you 20% (more…)

3rd Production + Run Expo West | PNB Vlog 17


All right in this week’s performance nut butter vlog I have a bunch of updates it’s been a while since I’ve done a video a vlog about this and honestly they haven’t been that popular that’s one of the reasons I haven’t done it in a while and reason number two is I’m starting to have some competitors come up specifically one company in particular that completely ripped me off I mean they ripped off the exact macadamia coconut cashew they’re a much bigger company and they did some things that I think aren’t I don’t know if they’ll be successful I think they’ll be very successful because they’re such a big company but in the long run I don’t think they will be super successful I’m not gonna get into the details of why just in case they watch these videos I don’t want to give away too much but I’m probably gonna do a little bit less of these vlogs I’ll probably do them once a month or so just updating on the process of in the progress of performance nut butter.

Llet me give you some of the big highlights some of the lessons learned everything number one the bulletproof box was a huge success and put a little image of what it looked like there with all the different stuff huge success I’m still getting orders from that I’ve gotten you know a decent amount of orders from the bulletproof box I put a little coupon code in there. So that’s one of the things the website performance nut butter calm is finally live and you can go to check it out I think I have I have some kind of coupon code probably right now the kickstarter a coupon code I mentioned I think the last time (more…)

Don’t make this Amazon FBA Mistake

Don’t make this Amazon FBA mistake I’m gonna show you some examples of some mistakes that people make that just kill me when I see it and I’ve seen in a lot of different Amazon product pages and I see the ones that do really well and the ones that do really poorly and the ones that do really well have some things in common the ones that do really poorly also have some things in common. So what are these well really what it is a bad product page is the number one mistake I see people making that leads to poor sales and it’s the easiest thing to fix. So what do I mean by this well there’s a lot of different ways you could have a bad product page versus a good product page. So what are some examples a title you need to have a keyword rich title on top of that your images you know high quality images and not only high quality images there’s certain types of images you should use to sell more images that highlight the benefits and the features of your products specifically the benefits and there’s a difference between benefits and features an example of this might be if you have a knife and a feature would be something like oh it has a six-inch blade the benefit of a six-inch blade is longer blade for easier cutting you want to highlight things that are benefits because people don’t always know how features will help them out. So a lot of high quality image is very important next up the description and the bullet points spend some time on both of these for the bullet point specifically include some good keywords and then for the description this is your sales chance (more…)

#1 Secret on Launching Product on Amazon


In this video I’m going to give you the number one secret for launching a product on Amazon and I’m going to show you real screen recordings of how to do this to all the steps. So what is the number one secret for launching a product on Amazon it’s getting reviews now that that might not sound like a huge secret to you but it is the number one most important factor and you probably know it’s the number one most important factor the secret part of this is how do you get the reviews. So I created a I’m sure other people have done this I’m not I’m sure I’m not the first one to do it but for the launch of my new product performance nut butter what I did is I created a Facebook group a product product launch Facebook group and I built up to the launch and I did a bunch of drip campaigns I did a bunch of teasers and eventually actually did it as a Kickstarter first but when I finally launched on Amazon I just asked I just asked everybody hey if you like the product can you go leave a review on Amazon I got about 75 or so reviews like that very very quickly and it was all thanks to the Facebook group I’ll give you more details on how to do that but let’s jump into the screen recording. So I can show you exactly what I did. So I’m going to show you pretty much step by step how I got so many reviews so fast 137 reviews may not seem like an insane amount but I got about 75 reviews within the first week that I launched and you know I’m not an expert Amazon person I (more…)

Don’t Sell Amazon FBA Until You See This


Don’t sell on Amazon FBA until you see this video there are three mistakes I see over and over and over again and it just kills me and I want to make sure you do not make any one of these three mistakes. So what are the three mistakes one your product sucks – you have no strategy and three your product page sucks. So let’s talk about how to fix all of these and I’ll show you some examples of good product pages versus bad product pages good strategy vs. bad strategy and good products versus bad products all that right here in this video. So first off when you’re making a product to launch on Amazon FBA you have to think to yourself what is special about this product if you’re selling the same thing is 100 other people good luck I see. So many people that want to sell the same supplements that everyone else sells and that makes life. So much more difficult because first off there’s nothing that much better about your product sure you have a slightly better brand or sure you have a slightly better this or that but unless you have something that’s really special it’s gonna be very hard to promote.

Just a quick example that I’ll use is I was talking to some people and they were selling fish oil and I’m like there’s already a hundred maybe a hundred thousand people selling fish oil out there how are you going to stand out as compared to my product performance nut butter that I just launched that is not only the branding different than anything else that’s out there but this product doesn’t exist there’s no macadamia coconut cashew blended nut butter the niche is totally different than all the other nut (more…)

Amazon PPC and Advanced Amazon Topics | Effective Ecommerce Podcast #37


In this episode of the effective e-commerce podcast when we talk about some more advanced Amazon tactics including Amazon PPC pay per clicks also known as sponsored products and we’re talking about headline ads and some it enhanced brand content. So once again I am NOT the world’s biggest expert at Amazon or any of this stuff but I’m making about $50,000 revenue a month you know profits probably close to ten eleven twelve thirteen thousand pounds something like that I’m doing I’m doing decent it’s always tough calculating the exact numbers they’re making decent money of Amazon.

I’m no slouch by any means. So let’s talk about Amazon PPC sponsored ads and how it works. So basically the way it works is you can pay Amazon to rank your product at the top for certain keywords or you can steer this you can break you can pay Amazon the regular product at the top and one of the ways to do it is based on keywords. So let’s use as always performance nut butter is an example because that’s the newest company easiest to talk about I might pick the keyword paleo snack and paleo is the type of diet and you know feint certain snacks on it and. So I might bid for paleo snack and I’ll tell Amazon you know every time someone clicks on my ad I’m willing to give you a dollar and what it does is Amazon basically makes your product look like all the other products they might add a little thing that says expletive product but it’s harder for people to tell that it’s a sponsored product and they’ll put it at the top and. So what happens is Amazon gets a dollar every time someone clicks on your product and they make money (more…)