5 Reason You Will Fail on Amazon FBA



In this video, I’m gonna give you the five reasons you’re going to fail with Amazon FBA and what to do about it. So let’s start off right away and go over all five of the reasons and then we’ll go into detail on each one and how to fix it

1. No one wants what you’re selling. So a lot of people I see launch a product without doing the proper amount of research and trying to figure out going on the ground and asking people is this a product that you would even want and this could be anything I’ve seen. So many people that shirt they white label product and what they’re selling isn’t necessarily special or different than what’s already on the market which will dive in deeper. for number four but the other thing is sometimes people launch a new product a brand new product doesn’t exist but it turns out the reason it doesn’t exist is because nobody wants it.

When you’re about to launch a product you have to do a little bit of research see what’s out there see if it’s something that people the product that you’re creating is something that people would buy how do you do this one of my number one tips is run it as a Kickstarter first and if you’re creating a product from scratch and you do it as a Kickstarter that’ll very black-and-white tell you does anyone care about this you can set your goal pretty low you can say hey if I raise a thousand dollars that’s enough for me this is up to you but that’s one of the easiest ways in my opinion to test your product out and get paid for doing it the other way you can do it is make a small batch of whatever your product is a small order and actually go out on the streets and try to sell it try to figure out some kind of way of selling it.

I recommend testing that’s testing your product before you even launch it on Amazon to make sure it’s something that people care about.

2. Your product page isn’t optimized –  this one kills me over and over again and I do have a video that goes more in-depth on how to optimize your product page but some quick hit tips on how to do this one you need a better title and stuff it with keywords and in a good manner don’t don’t be just overly spamming about it number two you need high quality images that explain and show off the benefits don’t put words when you don’t need to if you can explain the benefits without words that is a hundred times better. So try to do that whenever possible next up you need bullet points that really explain the benefits of the product and really hit people over the head with how amazing your product is use things like 100% made in the USA or you know whatever a hundred percent sounds great anytime you can use one hundred percent or like free trade or organic this is just stuff from from my product or high quality premium things like that on top of that the descriptions kind of your last chance on the product page to convince people that your product is amazing and that they should buy it


3.  Don’t have enough reviews – you probably have no strategy for getting reviews but we’ll talk about that in a second anytime I see a product on Amazon that doesn’t have at least 25 reviews I know that person’s not serious they don’t care they’re lazy one of a number of different factors if you can’t pick up the phone and call 25 people in your life who are willing to buy the product line leave a five star review I’m sorry but like you’re not serious about this game now technically is getting friends and family against Terms of Service yes does everybody do it also yes. So do it in a way that smart don’t have your mom or your your really close family leave reviews but get your friends down the street go to the gym go to your gym and ask people at your gym to leave reviews figure out ways to get people that aren’t sharing a internet connection with you to leave five-star reviews if you can’t do that I’m sorry but you’re probably not serious about this on top of that I do recommend doing the the formula that I’ve done before for the product launch which is creating a Facebook group creating an email list and when you launch the product emailing all of them posting in the Facebook group asking them to leave five-star reviews the way I did it actually I filmed a video just like this one and I posted that in my Facebook group and I said hey everybody just launched on Amazon it would be a huge help if you go leave a five-star review and I got about 75 reviews in the first week which is a pretty big deal on Amazon.


4. Your product isn’t special –  and it’s kind of related to number one that nobody wants your product but what I specifically mean about this is I see.Many people white labeling junk from China I see. So many people selling nutrition brand supplements that are the exact same it’s a little a white label brand that you can buy that same thing on Amazon already if there’s nothing special about your brand it’s. So much harder to sell your product I’ve used my example of my company way too many times and you can check out the vlog if you want to see why I pick to do performance a nutburger versus versus other companies but the quick answer is it was niche town it was different that exact formula does not exist there’s no macadamia coconut cashew that exists on Amazon right now it’s a different market than anyone else is targeting and it was special it was unique. So if your brand isn’t something that pops and is a little bit more unique than everything else out there it makes it that much harder. So make sure you have something that’s special


5. You have no traffic plan. – You need to have a plan on how are you going to get traffic to your product pages to sell things and this could be a number of different things this could be PPC on Amazon if you have the budget to do it which a lot of times it’s pretty profitable. So that’s it’s definitely an easy low-hanging fruit to make money and to get traffic to your page another one might be you’re running Facebook ads or maybe you have a link on your Instagram and you’re doing a follow type campaign where you follow people and leave comments maybe it could be one of a hundred different things but you need to have some kind of a strategy for getting traffic to your Amazon FBA page I don’t have a video on this yet but when I do a video on how to get traffic to your Amazon FBA page I’ll link it up up here and you know you can check that video out when that eventually does launch. So that’s pretty much it those are the top five reasons you’ll fail with Amazon FBA if you don’t fix these you will for sure fail at Amazon FBA and those are some of the ways you can fix it you haven’t yet click up here to get my Amazon FBA a launch checklist it’s literally a checklist for everything you need to do when you’re launching an amazon FBA product it’s in my ecommerce success pack which comes with a bunch of other really great stuff all for free last but not least if you have a question leave it down below in the comment section and I will answer literally every single one. So thank you guys. So much for watching this video and I hope you enjoyed it