Amazon Ungating, Design, UPC Codes and Packaging | PNB Vlog 3

Hey everybody so I haven’t been doing a lot of the blog vlogs I guess actually technically for Performance Nut Butter but let me catch you up right now everything that I’ve been doing and I to be honest I haven’t been doing a lot of work on Performance Nut Butter and this is the way that I work this is my brain I kind of get I like to work and I really like to work really hard at one project but I kind of run out of steam I run out of ideas for that projects can I like to move over to a different project so Performance Nut Butter is kind of in this stage right now where I don’t have any products to sell I don’t have any Kickstarter really like I’m not trying to it doesn’t make sense for me to put in a ton of effort to continue to presale so I’m working on some of the other businesses I have the Effective Ecommerce this this company but more specifically be dancewear for the most part but I have still been doing some Performance Nut Butter stuff and I’m gonna kind of fill you in up to what I’ve been doing up to now basically what I’ve been doing with Performance Nut Butter and then I want to start vlogging regularly I want to vlog every day I work on the business I want to try to vlog I’m gonna skip some I’m gonna miss some here and there but let me catch you up on some of the big things I do and I have it written down but some of the big stuff I’ve been doing is the packaging that’s probably the number one thing I’ve been doing so now that I have the Kickstarter it’s over with I’ve had mock-ups I have ideas of what I wanted to do I had to nail down the packaging so let me I’ll show you right now the iterations on the packaging there’s about eight iterations on the pouch and like five or six on the box itself including one of the things I forgot was putting the UPC code on their which is my mistake so here are the different iterations and you as you can see they go from not I mean it’s pretty similar all of them are pretty similar and it’s probably little things that I noticed that other people don’t even notice for instance one of the stick figures looked a little too curvy and I wanted it to have more like of a straight look to it a little small things like that that’s one of the things I’ve been doing the second thing I’ve been doing is uncaging for Amazon because the sell on Amazon specifically in the grocery category you have to do someone gating which means submitting to them explain to them that you’re a legitimate company that you buy legitimate materials so I had to submit some invoices to them from different companies that I buy my nuts for and show them hey I’m a real company I saw real products not trying to sell fake stuff especially food which is a good thing that Amazon does that that make sure you don’t sell fake food on there so that’s another thing I’ve been doing and I’ll put some clips in there of that and I’m gonna also be releasing all these videos as how-to videos like how to get unguided from Amazon how to sell on Amazon that was one of the things I did one of the things I realized is I need UPC codes to sell on Amazon so I opted to get real UPC codes GS UPC codes cost about $100 it’s funny cuz everything cost about $250 cost about $250 to get the gs barcodes I I’m gonna be applying for a trademark that cost about $250 the design cost almost $250 for my pouch in box so it’s like the cost do add up and it’s a little bit stressful at times but luckily I know that I have a product that people are interested in because people have already pre purchased it so that was one of the big things I’ve worked on up till now and doing the UPC codes is pretty straightforward that wasn’t too hard I’ll pull you some tutorial videos on that as well for anybody trying to start up a business and let’s see what else I paused a lot of the marketing efforts so you I haven’t been doing a lot of the marketing because to be honest right now if I spent let’s just say I spent a hundred hours leading up to the Kickstart if I spent a hundred hours I think that was worth on average I don’t know a hundred bucks an hour let’s just say as an approximate 100 I would have made $100 in sales now I think if I spend a hundred hours I would not make anywhere near that much because I’m trying to pre sell something without the Kickstarter and there’s no real I just don’t think there’s a one-to-one thing so I’m saving all my energy and saving all my launch up until I get the actual product I’m focusing all my effort for performance not butter on getting the first production run ready so that’s a big update and I really do want to try to vlog and capture the whole I mean I’m hoping to turn this into a million dollar company or at least a sizeable passive income company and I want to document this entire process so this is real this is in the middle of it right now me trying to start this company up so that sort of been up to a lot of it’s been uncommon is on getting the first production ready and the design work all the stuff that goes into that figuring out FDA compliance rules turns out it’s a lot more lacks and I thought it was so I will in this video here make sure you click that subscribe button if you want to follow my journey if you want to find out more about how to start your own online business on top of that I have the free Ecommerce success pack you can click up here to get that that is I guess it’s up here I’m always I’m always going to forget which side of this maybe it’s on that side you can click up here to get that and that has checklist for starting your online business checklist for starting on Amazon and just a ton of great value anything that I can’t give in a video format for free I’ll give in there for free last but not least if you have any questions please leave it in the comments down below and thank you guys for watching this video.