Getting the Word Out! | Starting a Kickstarter Day #23

It’s a beautiful day here today in Santa Monica I’m I think it’s day  I’m working on the Kickstarter I woke up a little bit early and working for a few hours already but I had to get outside because it’s just I mean it’s amazing today. So these are the lemon trees I showed yesterday. So one of the things I like to walk I want to take a walk every day and I come over to this park check out on the lemon trees but anyways let’s get back to business. So I have a list of things like I showed yesterday as well that I write down every day. So I’ve already done some of these the first one was emails I in MailChimp I created a bunch of newsletters for different groups. So I have my how to do your s email newsletter group I created an email for them saying hey go join the performance and up at our launch group send the same email out to the effective e-commerce list and I’m going to send out a similar one to friends and family on top of that the people that have already signed up for the performance nut butter list I did not tell all of them about the Kickstarter or the Kickstarter the product page I the Facebook you know product launch page that’s the way to say it.


Some of them I didn’t tell because basically what I did is I’d send them an email as soon as people sign up for the board the email thing saying hey you know my name is Travis follow blah this is what I you know this is a little bit about the product what do you do for fun and people that responded to that email I’d start a conversation with them and ask them to join the product launch group but not everybody replied to that email. So now I’m sending out another email saying hey if you haven’t already join the group because they’re going to get a chance to win free boxes and there’s going to be a special discount like a special early bird discount and if you’re watching this video and it launches May the in the special early bird discount seem to be void cheaper than you’ll ever be able to buy it for I’m barely if I don’t know even if I’m going to make any money off of it it’s more just to get the momentum going. So join the product launch group that performs and up at our launch group in Facebook I’ll put a link up here for that but here’s what other things I’m doing today let’s see how much is I actually get done. So plan up the email funnel still have to do that I have to I want to import some of the podcast data though I might end up outsourcing this to my VA basically I can give him the Skype files and tell them hey take notes and you know figure out what the intro and the outro do I give him the intro the outro and some bullet point notes what I might see if you can do it another thing I got to do is order shirts. So not to order shirts that have the performance nut butter logo on the front and maybe some kind of cool saying on the back or maybe something like ask me for free paleo food samples right something better than that obviously but I want to get people’s attention.


So that’s the next thing on top of that I need to look at getting a d rendering of the box and the pouch this has been hanging over my head for a long time and another thing speaking of that something I’m kind of nervous about and kind of good doing this video because reminds me that I should do the things that make me nervous is getting the  by  label finalized I’m still talking with my designer which I’ll show some video of that I’ll show the entire thing of our conversation in the back and forth because this is probably one of the I mean I’ve only worked with designers a few different times and it can be kind of an intimidating process if you’ve never done it but I think it will be good to show you guys because you’ll see that it is a process meaning that there’s some back and forth and I was scared a little bit because it’s  dollars for this  by  logo that I feel like I can do myself he’s doing a much better job than I could have done and I’m going to show you all the iterations and show you what I started with and show you what happens – I’ll show you that in the next segment after I’m done with the list I’ve got to upload some video file. So all these video files I’m trying to keep this on pace because I want effective e-commerce videos to also kind of be a I don’t know an advertising means for performance uploader because if you’re watching this and you like my story you might end up just supporting the project just because you like me and give the product as a gift. So if you’re interested in doing that think about that it’s actually a really cool gift it’s going to be I think right around the   dollar range for a box of ten of the performance nut butter pouches.


So it’s really a perfect gift for someone that is healthy active and it’s got a cool story – you can tell them the story behind it. So on top of that I’m going to get a list of my friends and family like I said and send them an email post in the Facebook group to all them to add members. So if you do join my product lon group you’ll see that what I basically did is I took a screenshot of the group and I showed people how they can add members to the product launch group and I’m asking them hey if you haven’t already please add some members to this group and we’ll see how many people actually end up doing it my hope is that at least some do and I said you know if you have a friend that’s interested in performance nut butter or you think would be interested in it you should add them to the group and they’ll get a chance to learn our free box on top of that they would on top of that they might add they’ll get a discount look at the early bird discount. So other than that I still have to order more boxes and last but not least look well I shall I’m going to save this one this one’s a private one I’ll save this one for a different day. So that’s the main things I’m going to cut now to some of the different things I’ve been doing throughout the day I’ve also got luckily some lunch plans to be outside and play some catch and that’s something I think is often overlooked is you need to get outside even when you’re working on something like this everybody talked about the grind the grind the grind and yes 100% you should work hard at the same time you don’t play a little bit you just you’ll burn yourself out and in my quick story of this is actually last weekend I went I did some jujitsu and then I played some flag football and that completely revitalized me like I actually am happy and things are going well where you know by the end of last week I was feeling burnt out I was tired. So don’t forget when you’re starting your new company gotta play you got to have some fun and enjoy yourself is well outside of it and it’ll actually in my opinion at least it’ll make you enjoy the process of starting the company more and working harder. So anyways let’s cut to some more footage of me working throughout to say in this city I’m going to show you my emails when sending out to my different groups. So I was talked about in an earlier video I got the head of yours this is actually affected commerce right there and this from a performance nut butter let’s see what we’ve got going on alright. So I want to change some of these design that is a your s yeah I mean this basically will say go ahead and just hit the fan button. So this group does not have a lot of people and at the head of yours only has like  people that have signed up for the email offer it’s hard to get people to sign up to an email over a podcast as you can imagine ahead for them I’m just going to send it right now it’s not too many people there next up between the recipients it was effectively commerce once let’s go over the design I think it just does the same thing basically let’s go back and set up I think I’ve got to change the email from I think this one have fun let’s go inside it [Music] alright go ahead and sum this one out. So this list has been to thousands of people affected Commerce list a little bit bigger and this is the last one this is the actual performance nut butter list. So it’s always a little nerve-racking sending out all these emails we’ll see how they do later today [Music] can I make some changes here all right I mean I think I’m good enough [Music] little nerve-wracking once again alright and that’s it for the emails get mother stuff I told me to do you see the e-mails back and forth with Maurizio my designer lookee here. So this is I mean I can send all these emails if you want in the performance we’re starting in the e-commerce success pack I can put all these in there basically what I’ve done I gave them requirements I also showed an image which was my starting image right here just an idea this is just like a quick mock-up from there the first one he gave me was this which was quite a bit better I mean though to be fair this one looks better when it reversed black and white all not perfect [Music] that that one. So there were some issues I didn’t like the salt here I didn’t like the people from there you know we’ve gone back and forth quite a bit changed it to this and I’m from there. So far you know we’re going to something like this I kind of like these better [Music] this is a more even recent one. So you added this the hexagon here basically that’s been the back and forth working with them there’s still little issues and I think you didn’t know it with me but you know you know how it is like I want it to be perfect. So this is this is probably been in pretty close I mean there’s Sol a few issues I’m thinking about anyways I’ll talk about this offline but this is one of the big things I’m struggling with is trying to figure out how to perfectly do this [Music] today emails people kind of get some content actually go that had time for the a compiled upon a different list that made a totally the top podcast that I’d like to get on Frank thousand number of subscribers they had and some of these are a stretch for me and I know that but that’s a test okay and. So what my VA did is if they have an email I’ve had make a giraffe if they don’t have an email I made him put it in like they only have a contact at home I made him go in here and just write in and sample one. So I would either have him I either have him do a sample template in here that you would put in a contact form or a sample draft and I would then go in edit it fix it you know change whatever needs to add some extra information and study that and this made things a lot easier because then I don’t have to look at the email address I don’t have to look up their name by even though some of them these people I do know them I still will go look at their website but the streamlines entire process the best it’ll take a little bit of time I mean I’ve got hundreds of people that are reaching out to here literally least over  now and some of those people on that list they’re probably a little bit of a reach for me or I think they’re really perfect for the product that I’m not perfect for their podcast in which case I’ll email them separately and offer them country jar as an influencer. So that’s one of the things that will come up the last attitude alright I just finished doing some work I also have an hour long mastermind that I host it’s an e-commerce mastermind which is good for me too because I get to ask some questions but now I’m going to go play some football just some catch in the park but just a little update on that [Music] all right. So I just got back from jujitsu and I’ve been pretty much my days over at this one I’m pretty much exhausted had some good good rolling you know what that is you two not talking about the other type of rolling get you rolling anyways yeah. So I’ll just do a recap quickly of what I got done today. So some of the big things we’re sending out you know today was really big heavy email day. So not emails to the PMD listed the MOS or the effective ecommerce like the how to do your  list as I showed you earlier in this video on top of pretty much I pretty much show you guys mostly stuff I did today a lot of sending out emails to influencers that people I’ll try to get on the podcast things like that also coordinating with the x label pretty much exhausted at this point. So I need to get to bed. So I can have some energy for tomorrow I will talk to you guys who heard about it obviously on day and  to  that subscribe button leave a comment if you have any questions about e-commerce or anything I can help with and don’t forget to click up here I got an e-commerce success pack lots of goodies in there I’m too tired to find the whole thing but you guys have a good rest your day