#1 Reason People Fail with Adwords



In this video, we’re gonna talk about the number one reason people fail with AdWords. Hi I’m Travis and I used AdWords to build a multi-million dollar revenue ecommerce business and I’ve helped a lot of other people do the same thing and I see people fail over and over again not necessarily my clients but other people of course but why do they fail and I like to dissect why they’re failing and it comes to basically two things I’ll start with what I think is the number one most important thing and that’s not selecting proper keywords in AdWords to bid on they build things that they think for whatever reason are gonna be successful but they’re the wrong things. So how do you know what the right keywords are their keywords that people type in right before they purchase not a day before they purchase not a week before they purchase right before they purchase what’s an example of one of these well my one of my businesses that I built using AdWords was a dance clothing business.

I would never never do dance clothing as a keyword even though that’s something that my you know that’s how I just described my business I would never bid on dance clothing because someone’s searching for dance clothing is looking at such a broad thing they’re maybe just doing research they’re just trying to figure out what dance clothing is they’re trying to find articles on what the best pieces of dance clothing are they’re not necessarily looking to buy maybe a small percentage of them are but the wide majority or not now maybe a slightly better keyword would be dance shorts okay at least they know what type of dance clothing they want but they’re still maybe looking for (more…)

5 Most Powerful Adwords Tips



Hi I’m Travis and I’ve used AdWords to build a multi-million dollar ecommerce business and I’ve helped a lot of people do the same thing. So in this video I wanted to share what I think are the five most powerful AdWords tips. So I’m gonna tell you all of them right now and then the rest this video I’ll go in-depth and talk about each one of them. So number one is finding proper keywords and I’ll give some hints on how to do that number two is finding negative keywords and this is a step a lot of people leave out which just blows my mind because if you forget this step you’re literally just wasting money for three is write powerful ad copy you are spending the money on the clicks you want to make sure that people are going to buy once they click on your ad the number four powerful tip is you need to review your AdWords I’ll get some hints on how to do this this is a thing that a lot of people forget to do which just blows my mind it’s such a waste if you’re spending the money on the data and you’re not reviewing the data once again wasting your money and finally number five set up shopping ads Google Shopping ads also known as product listing ads are extremely profitable people I know.

Many people that are using these with success that it just it blows my mind when I find that someone is not doing I just hat was off a consulting call earlier today and the guy was having success with regular text ads but had not yet implemented Google Shopping ads and I guarantee when he does he’s gonna that all the money he’s making off text (more…)

How to 80/20 Your Business Using Google Analytics and Sales Data | Effective Ecommerce Podcast #33



Hey everyone welcome to the Effective Ecommerce podcast in this episode I’ll be talking about how to 8020 your business using both Google Analytics data and sales data and this is a very important episode cuz I’m gonna show you the power of the 80/20 the Pareto principle and more specifically how you can interpret your data to get more success and more sales more profit to your website and it’s very simple principles. So we’re gonna take a look at Google Analytics. So we’re gonna ask a few different questions and then we’re gonna find some answers and we’re gonna ask some more questions. So let me quickly tell you what some of the questions are that you’re gonna want to ask and you’re gonna want to get answers from in Google Analytics where is most your traffic coming from where is your highest converting traffic from coming from. So this is important because the traffic that’s converting really well you want to find out where is it coming from and you want to try to get more of it what traffic has the most potential where are what are your top landing pages what are your top exit pages and you want to know what your top landing pages are because you want to know if you find out a lot of people are coming to these landing pages you want to try to figure out how you can convert them better.

Maybe they’re going to a page that only has a one percent conversion rate and that’s your highest landing page if you can get that to 2 percent or 3 percent conversion rate you’re gonna get a lot more sales and I’ll explain this was hugely important and powerful for me I’ll explain that later what are your (more…)

#1 Adwords Mistake


In this video, I’m gonna talk about the number one AdWords mistake. Hi, I’m Travis and I’ve built a multi-million dollar revenue company on the backbone of AdWords plus I’ve helped consult with a lot of different people on helping them turn their e-commerce business and their AdWords into something that’s actually profitable for them. So I’ve seen a lot of different people and I’ve seen a lot of different mistakes that people make in by far the number one biggest mistake I see over and over again is people that set up their AdWords and never properly review it now it’s a little bit it can be complicated process if you let it be to review your AdWords but it’s very simple in principle and I’d say there’s two main parts to reviewing your AdWords the first part is looking at which ones are successful and adjusting the bid and it can be a little bit more detailed if you want to get into it you basically want to adjust the bid only on ones that there’s room to adjust the bid in and I’ll talk about in a separate video exactly how to do this but you want to basically go in there and adjust the bid accordingly if it’s not successful lower the bid until it is very simple in theory but a lot of people just don’t take the time to do it.

I will be talking about how to review videos and eventually I’ll come out with a video and I’ll link it up here the next part about reviewing your AdWords is actually going in and finding negative keywords and I will definitely do a video if I haven’t already if I have already I’ll put a link up here on how to find negative keywords (more…)

Don’t Spend Money on Adwords Till You See This!


Don’t start an AdWords campaign without watching this if you not don’t start an AdWords campaign without watching this let me share with you some of the mistakes I see people make I want to make sure you do not make that same mistake all right hi I’m Travis and I’ve built a multi-million dollar revenue ecommerce business using AdWords and I’ve helped a lot of other people do the same thing and I see people making the same three mistakes over and over again now I want to make sure before you start and before you spend any money with AdWords that you watch this video. So you don’t make these mistakes I really want I have your desk okay now that’s selling it too much I’ll your slope soon I want you to succeed and learn from other people including my own mistakes.

These three what is it. So the three mistakes that be dinners make over and over again. So the three mistakes that beginners make over and over again is they bit on the wrong keywords now is they bit on the wrong keywords they don’t review they don’t add negative keywords and three they don’t review their AdWords which is just mind-boggling to me. So let’s break down each one of these three and figure out how to fix them. So number one your if you’re bidding on the wrong keywords no matter how good your website is no matter how good your ad copy is no matter any of this information you’re not going to be successful because you’re bidding on the wrong keywords. So what’s an example of this if you’re bidding on general keywords or things where people aren’t ready to buy maybe they’re looking for information they’re not gonna buy from you they (more…)

#32 Google Analytics Overview and Tutorial


In this episode of the effective ecommerce podcast I’m actually going to be doing a crossover episode. So it’s not only a podcast but it’s also going to be a YouTube video. So a lot of this stuff is going to be very easier to see than it is just to hear it in audio form. So if you go to my YouTube channel type in go to YouTube type and effective e-commerce you’ll find my YouTube channel and you can actually watch the video and watch along with me. So I’ll be recording my screen at the same time obviously if you’re just finding me on YouTube I do have a podcast as well where I talk about e-commerce stuff but let’s get into the 7 secrets of google analytics. So these are the 7 secrets we have source / medium secondary dimensions ecommerce a section transactions goals and funnels and geo locations and last but not least segments. So all seven of these things are things that you can look at your data you can look at the data in Google Analytics to get a better idea of what’s going on with your website how you can improve your website and a lot of really good information.

I do have some bonus info at the end of some of the most powerful things that you can do with Google Analytics as well I might I might end up saving that for the next episode but we’ll see if I can get to it in this episode. So let’s start from the beginning but before we get into that I do want to remind you that I have an AdWords course that will be launching February 20th it’s not that far away it’s a little over two weeks away I believe. (more…)

3 Lessons Learned | PNB Vlog 14



Hey everybody I have some new news about performance nut butter the company I just launched obviously if you’ve been following this for a little while I did it as a Kickstarter first now it’s an Amazon FBA product I’ve got good news I’ve got bad news I’ve got everything in between. So let’s start off with some of the good news if this is your first time watching you might not know but inventory is flying off the shelves I my first production run fly 2500 units and I’m about sold out oh I will be sold out on probably Saturday. So if you are looking to get a box performance nut butter Ford sells out and click up here click this link to get it on Amazon and if you buy it please leave that five-star review it’s hugely important but anyways let’s get to the the point of this blog and that’s to update you and give you some little lesson learned. So you can learn from my mistakes. So you don’t make the same mistakes that I have made with this company there’s been a lot of good things too. So I’ve been selling four or five times more than I had anticipated which means that inventory has already it’s about to sell out production will be taking place today today’s Wednesday’s I think it’s like seven yeah runs out of seven and tomorrow.

It’s like a two day process. So they have to grind your nut butter you have to put it in the pouches the next day. So that’s some good news I guess those good news that the fact that it’s gonna be done soon. So I had to increase the price all the way up to thirty 4.99 in the crazy part. So normally (more…)

Don’t Make This Adwords Mistake


Don’t make this AdWords mistake before you start Adwords make sure you watch this video. So you can avoid this AdWords mistake hi I’m Travis and I built a multi-million dollar revenue ecommerce business using Adwords and I’ve helped a lot of people do the same thing and I see people making the same mistakes over and over again and I want to make sure you avoid that. So the number one mistake I see people making over and over again I want to make sure you do not make is bidding on the wrong keywords people bid on keywords where they the people searching them have no buying net they bid on keywords that are never gonna yield them sales because they’re too general they’re too broad. So what’s an example of this? So I’ve used this example before but I’m gonna use it again because it’s just I think it solidifies it. So much but if I would never bid on for instance dance clothing that’s the company one of the companies I have is a dance clothing company I would never bid on the search term dance clothing because it’s just too broad I wouldn’t I might bid on dance show it’s probably not like that’s a little bit better I might bid on ivory dance shorts I probably would bid on ivory Dance shorts but the best case scenario would be high waste ivory dance shorts another example using the new company I just launched is it’s a nut butter company it’s not just any kind of nut butter company. So I wouldn’t bid necessarily on nut butter because it’s too general too broad what I might bid on is macadamia nut butter or keto paleo friendly nut butter things like that.

The longer tail it is the (more…)

#1 Adwords Success Secret


In this video we’re gonna talk about the number one Adwords success secret my name is Travis and I’ve had a lot of success with Adwords in fact I built a multi-million dollar revenue company based on Adwords and I’ve helped people over and over again start their own Adwords and I see over and over again the same thing that leads to success and it’s not surprising it’s number one is picking good keywords but what kind of keywords should you be picking you should be picking keywords to bid on that have by intent now my assumption in this video is that you’re selling some kind of a product or a service and if you’re doing that you want to make sure the keywords that you’re bidding on are things people are typing in when they’re about to purchase an item. So let me give you an example of a good keyword in a bad keyword.

Let’s solve a bad keyword a bad keyword might be dance shorts and this is in this is the business one of the businesses I started the dance clothing business. So dance shorts it seems on the surface like a good keyword and it’s alright it’s not the worst keyword out there but let’s put it in perspective when someone is searching for dance shorts they’re not necessarily ready to buy yet on the flip side if someone is searching for ivory dance shorts they’re much more likely interested in purchasing because they’re looking for a specific color they already know what they want when they’re just looking for dance shorts they might not be ready to buy yet they’re still in the research phase you want to hit people with Adwords when they’re ready to buy now that’s not the only success secret (more…)

How To and What Type of Tasks to Give Your Virtual Assistant | Effective Ecommerce Podcast #31


In this episode of the Effective Ecommerce podcast we’re gonna be talking about virtual assistants what type of tasks I give my virtual assistant and how I give them those tasks. So if you didn’t catch part one of this series definitely check it out it’s episode number 30 of the podcast and in that episode we talk about how to hire a virtual assistant and I have a very step by step very algorithmic easy formula for hiring a virtual assistant and I explain it more in that episode but if you want the short cliffnotes version you go to EffectiveEcommerce.com slash success pack or just EffectiveEcommerce.com and poke around you’ll find the free success pack I have a link in the YouTube video right up here that you can get it as well but once you get the success pack it has these step-by-step instructions including the complete templates for what the job post should say the messages should say it’s copy and paste basically but anyways at this stage I’m gonna hope that you already have a virtual assistant and you’ve already hired them.

I’m gonna share the type of tasks I give them how I give them those tasks and some bonus tips for continued success some of the mistakes I’ve made hiring virtual assistants and some of the mistakes I’ve had and I’ve made in continuing with the positive relationship. So let’s go right off the bat what type of tasks should you give you a virtual assistant when I talk about this it’s anything that’s algorithmic and just to define it I know that’s kind of a fancy it’s not that fancy of a word it’s kind of a fancy word what does algorithmic mean it means anything you can create a formula around or you (more…)