Top Amazon FBA Tips For Success with Matt Loberstein

Top Amazon FBA Tips For Success with Matt Loberstein

Matt Loberstein-@MattLoberstein
Travis Marziani – @Travismarziani

Travis Marziani -

Matt’s First Product:

Amazon Tools by Matt:

Effective Ecommerce Podcast:

Shopify Vs. Woocommerce Unbiased Pros And Cons Review 2018

Which one should you use? Shopify or Woo Commerce? 95% of you say that the other one is better. I personally use both and in this video I’ll be comparing which platform is better.


-Shopify has better templates. Though some argue that Woo Commerce has better templates, most people would prefer Shopify templates.
-It is much easier to use. However, if you are a much more technical person, you might find Woo Commerce easier to use. But, if you are not, you’ll find Shopify easier to use. I do have a video wherein I have set up a —Shopify account in just 4 minutes, you can check out the video here: [4min Shopify Video]
-Shopify has better addons and apps.
-Better Integration, Shopify seems to integrate almost anything. Which is a plus for marketing your shop.
-Shopify has a more innovative team.
-They have a 24/7 support team.
-Less Can Go Wrong

It is more expensive, it is priced at around $30 per month, though the price is worth it.
High risk people would would might get shut down.
There is a fee if you use third party payment gateway.

Woo Commerce

-Cheaper compared to Shopify. You can get Woo Commerce for around $10 more or less while Shopify is priced at $30.
-It has an open source which lets you get creative and edit your shop’s code.
-It won’t shut you down. Unlike with Shopify, if you are living in a high-risk area or are selling high-risk items, Shopify may shut you down. Woo Commerce won’t.
-It is great for blogging with WordPress. It’s actually a plug in for WordPress.

-You would most likely experience Technical Problems, since it uses open source.
-It has less integrations compared to Shopify.
-It is very piecemeal, you would have to buy some add-ons.

-So which is better? Basing from 200-300 ecommerce entrepreneurs I know, only 2 use Woo Commerce. For 95% of (more…)

How to Start a SIX FIGURE Passive Income Business in Just 30 Days – My Story

In this video, I have outlined what you can do to create a 6 figure passive income business with your passion product, this is the product that will get you out there and start your business. Watch and read below to see the steps on what I did to create a successful 6 figure income business.

Day 1 – Research Your Competitors.

Day 2 – Bought competitors products, figured out how to make it better and started to find a co-packer. I created a version 1.0 of the product just using a blender in my kitchen.

Day 3 – Tested out new flavor variations.

Day 4 – I starting to look for people who could I can get an interview with, I had a help from my amazing VA to help me look for people in iTunes.

Day 5-9 – I started interviewing people.

Day 10 – I started get a supplier for nuts and started to build my logo. A tip: You should invest in a good logo.

Day 11-12 – I went to a trade show to learn as much as I can from the industry.

Day 13 – I got my sample jars and I met with my co packer.

Day 14 – I started ordering nuts for 300 pcs of jars.

Day 15 – I started designing the box with my designer.

Day 16-17 – I was back at interviewing people.

Day 18 – I started the Kickstarter and started planning what comes after the following days.

Day 19-20 – I started filming for my Kickstarter video.

Day 21 – I was still working with my designer.

Day 22-23 – I started creating the emails I was going to send to people( I built an email list through Instagram!)

Day 24 – I sent out jars with nice notes to influencers.

Day 25 – I took some pictures of the (more…)

Ariana Made $1,838 On Her First Day Selling Online | Vlog 19

This is how much we made in just 24 hours!

Today I taught Ariana some tactics to build a successful online business. This video will be focusing on the day Ariana acutally launched her product, VinoCards. The first one would be to think of a product that brings value to the world instead of thinking of the best way to ‘earn money fast’. One way to think about it is to think on how you can bring a product that you wished existed to the world. I covered briefly on the things that I mentioned in my 7 Steps On How To Launch A Product [LINK], check the video out if you would like to know more about the first steps to launching a successful online business.

Going With The Flow Vs Fighting The Current and The Importance of Rest | EE Podcast #42

Quote about 99% of the worlds most successful people’s biggest success came right after their biggest failure, or right before they were about to quit
Plan breaks, Days off, these are the big rocks
Why are you doing this?  For a better life? Start living it now
Meditation and Yoga teach you to go with the flow a little more

7 Steps to Make $14,752 Online in Just 30 Days By Creating a Product – Case Study

Creating a product is more than just thinking of a way to make money the fastest, you have to think deeper and more creative. You need to create a mindset on how you can add value to the world than just thinking of ‘making money’. In this video, I’ll be showing you step by step on how to do just that and make over $14,000 online in just 30 days.

Here Are The 7 Tactics On How To Create A Product:

  1. Mindset
    Apple and Nike started with just a few products that they turned into big businesses. Stop thinking on how to make quick cash and start thinking on how you can put value to the world. That is how money works, it is a value exchange. If you can create something that people can find valuable, you are going to create more money in a much more sustained way.

2. Idea For A Product
I have a few tactics on creating ideas for products, one tactic is by looking at your credit card statement for the last 12 months and look where you spent your money. Especially look at where you spent more money than you should’ve. Another tactic is for the next 30 days, every time before you go to bed, write down one idea. It does not matter how bad the idea is, but after 30 days, you will be able to see a pattern on what kind of products you wished existed. Another tip is that you should make your products niched down. You do not want it to be for everybody because then it won’t really be for anybody.

3. Start Building A Tribe
When creating a product, you really want to focus on a few thousand people who are your true fans. If you can make a product for a thousand (more…)

Ariana Started a Kickstarter…Done is Better Than Perfect | Vlog 18



In this vlog, I’m helping my girlfriend launch her own product, VinoCards. How we’ll be handling VinoCards would be pretty much the same as how I handled Performance Nut Butter. One thing I realized was done is better than perfect. By setting a deadline, you have to get everything done and you need to know that you will never get everything perfect.

Of course, don’t forget to go to and check out VinoCards, there will be a special discount only available for the campaign in KickStarter for the next 30 days.

The Most Important Tip For Business Success | Effective Ecommerce Podcast #41


In this episode I’m going to share with you the most important tip for business success to be honest probably even personal success and it might not sound like a big deal when I first say it might be sound like something you’ve heard before but the thing that’s gonna make this episode different is I’m actually going to give you 15 tactics on how to implement it. So the most important tip I have for you is to invest in yourself and to keep learning and this is hugely important you hear a lot of people talk about it you’re. So many people talk about it that almost becomes a cliche but in this episode I’m gonna give you 15 tactical ways that you can actually invest in yourself cuz I know a lot of people maybe you have a few ideas of how you can do it oh I should go you know to college which is not the best return on your investment the amount of money that college costs versus how much extra money you’ll make from it it’s not a great deal compared to everything else I have on this list.

1. Podcast cost of the mic and about $15 a month
2. Youtube
3. Blog
4. Mastermind
5. Convention/Conferences
6. Bootcamps and Workshops
7. Books
8. Audio books/Audible
9. Travel and Other Experiences
10. Invest in your business or other idea
11. Get a Mentor/Coach
12. Take a Course
13. Take a Class, or get a degree in something
14. Start a Meet up group
15. Just Use Meet up