Performance Nut Butter Kickstarter Video

You are tired, burnt out and not performing at your best. Generation after generation, we ask ourselves what is the best way to live a healthy lifestyle. We used to think high carb, low fat was the way to eat healthy. We used to think a lot of things were good for us. Turns out we were wrong. Truth is much of science has evolved over the last century. Our minds and bodies have not.

We need rich, nutrient-dense, healthy fats in our diet – foods that we crave on a deep, primal level to survive and thrive. Performance Nut Butter contains only simple, natural ingredients – Macadamia nuts, coconuts, cashews and just a bit of Himalayan sea salt. That is it. We use single serving pouches so you can keep your performance at the highest levels. No matter where you are, this product can be used in a variety of different ways tailored to what works best for you. Junk food and most protein bars try to trick your body into thinking it is getting what it needs with artificial ingredients Performance Nut Butter does not need artificial ingredients. It tastes great because it is exactly what your body wants. Performance Nut Butter works because it contains naturally high levels of hormone production, blood flow as well as having various other dietary benefits. So, the next time you feel like you cannot work another hour, cannot do another rep, cannot take another step. You can say to yourself, “Let’s keep burning.”